value('user_id')) { header_redirect('login.php'); } else { $template->set('session', $session); (array) $summary_page_content = null; $default_landing_page = 'summary'; $default_landing_section = 'summary_main'; $page = (!empty($_REQUEST['page'])) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : $default_landing_page; $section = (!empty($_REQUEST['section'])) ? $_REQUEST['section'] : $default_landing_section; $section = ($page == 'wanted_ads' && !$setts['enable_wanted_ads']) ? $default_landing_section : $section; $page = ($page == 'wanted_ads' && !$setts['enable_wanted_ads']) ? $default_landing_page : $page; $section = ($page == 'store' && !$setts['enable_stores']) ? $default_landing_section : $section; $page = ($page == 'store' && !$setts['enable_stores']) ? $default_landing_page : $page; $section = ($page == 'bulk' && !$setts['enable_bulk_lister']) ? $default_landing_section : $section; $page = ($page == 'bulk' && !$setts['enable_bulk_lister']) ? $default_landing_page : $page; $section = ($page == 'reverse' && !$setts['enable_reverse_auctions']) ? $default_landing_section : $section; $page = ($page == 'reverse' && !$setts['enable_reverse_auctions']) ? $default_landing_page : $page; /* if account is suspended, only account related pages are active */ if ($session->value('membersarea') == 'Active') { if (!$session->value('is_seller') && in_array($page, array('selling', 'bulk', 'store'))) { $page = 'bidding'; $section = 'current_bids'; $template->set('msg_seller_error', '


'); } } else { $page = 'account'; $section = (in_array($section, array('editinfo', 'management', 'invoices', 'mailprefs'))) ? $section : 'management'; } require ('global_header.php'); $msg_changes_saved = '


'; $limit = 20; if ($page == 'messaging' || $page == 'summary') { $order_field = ($_REQUEST['order_field']) ? $_REQUEST['order_field'] : 'm.reg_date'; } else if ($page == 'reputation') { $order_field = ($_REQUEST['order_field']) ? $_REQUEST['order_field'] : 'r.reg_date'; } else if ($section == 'current_bids') { $order_field = ($_REQUEST['order_field']) ? $_REQUEST['order_field'] : 'b.auction_id'; } else if ($section == 'item_watch') { $order_field = ($_REQUEST['order_field']) ? $_REQUEST['order_field'] : ''; } else if ($section == 'favorite_stores') { $order_field = ($_REQUEST['order_field']) ? $_REQUEST['order_field'] : ''; } else if ($section == 'keywords_watch') { $order_field = ($_REQUEST['order_field']) ? $_REQUEST['order_field'] : 'keyword_id'; } else if ($section == 'block_users') { $order_field = ($_REQUEST['order_field']) ? $_REQUEST['order_field'] : 'b.reg_date'; } else if ($page == 'wanted_ads') { $order_field = ($_REQUEST['order_field']) ? $_REQUEST['order_field'] : 'w.wanted_ad_id'; } else if ($section == 'won_items' || $section == 'sold') { $order_field = ($_REQUEST['order_field']) ? $_REQUEST['order_field'] : 'w.auction_id'; } else if ($page == 'reverse') { $order_field = ($_REQUEST['order_field']) ? $_REQUEST['order_field'] : 'r.reverse_id'; } else { $order_field = ($_REQUEST['order_field']) ? $_REQUEST['order_field'] : 'a.auction_id'; } $order_type = ($_REQUEST['order_type']) ? $_REQUEST['order_type'] : 'DESC'; $additional_vars = '&page=' . $page . '§ion=' . $section; $order_link = '&order_field=' . $order_field . '&order_type=' . $order_type; $limit_link = '&start=' . $start . '&limit=' . $limit; $template->set('page', $page); $template->set('section', $section); $item = new item(); $item->setts = &$setts; $item->layout = &$layout; /** * pending Google Checkout fees */ $is_pending_gc = $db->count_rows('gc_transactions', "WHERE buyer_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); $template->set('is_pending_gc', $is_pending_gc); if ($is_pending_gc) { if ($section == 'management') { $sql_pending_gc_transactions = $db->query("SELECT gc.*, u.username FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "gc_transactions gc LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=gc.seller_id WHERE gc.buyer_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' ORDER BY gc.reg_date ASC"); while ($payment_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_pending_gc_transactions)) { $pending_gc_transactions_content .= ' '. ' ' . $payment_details['gc_payment_description'] . ' '. ' ' . field_display($payment_details['seller_id'], '' . MSG_ADMIN . '', $payment_details['username']) . ' '. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($payment_details['gc_price'], $payment_details['gc_currency']) . ' '. ' ' . show_date($payment_details['reg_date']) . ' '. ' ' . field_display($payment_details['seller_id'], MSG_SITE_PAYMENT, MSG_DIRECT_PAYMENT) . ' '. ' '; } $template->set('pending_gc_transactions_content', $pending_gc_transactions_content); } else { $page_link = process_link('members_area', array('page' => 'account', 'section' => 'management')); $msg_pending_gc_transactions = '


'; } $template->set('msg_pending_gc_transactions', $msg_pending_gc_transactions); } /** * unpaid end of auction fees message - applies if the account is in live payment mode */ $user_payment_mode = $fees->user_payment_mode($session->value('user_id')); if($user_payment_mode == 1) { $eoa_fee = new fees(); $eoa_fee->setts = &$setts; $eoa_fee->set_fees($session->value('user_id')); if (eregi('b', $eoa_fee->fee['endauction_fee_applies'])) { $unpaid_fees = $db->count_rows('winners', "WHERE buyer_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND active!=1 AND payment_status!='confirmed'"); if ($unpaid_fees) { $page_link = process_link('members_area', array('page' => 'bidding', 'section' => 'won_items')); $msg_unpaid_endauction_fees = '


'; } } else if (eregi('s', $eoa_fee->fee['endauction_fee_applies'])) { $unpaid_fees = $db->count_rows('winners', "WHERE seller_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND active!=1 AND payment_status!='confirmed'"); if ($unpaid_fees) { $page_link = process_link('members_area', array('page' => 'selling', 'section' => 'sold')); $msg_unpaid_endauction_fees = '


'; } } $template->set('msg_unpaid_endauction_fees', $msg_unpaid_endauction_fees); } /* members tips code snippet */ if ($session->value('is_seller')) { $show_tips = $db->count_rows('users', "WHERE user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND notif_a=0"); if ($show_tips) { $msg_member_tips = '


'; $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET notif_a=1 WHERE user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); } $template->set('msg_member_tips', $msg_member_tips); } if (isset($_REQUEST['form_download_proceed'])) { $download_result = download_redirect($_REQUEST['winner_id'], $session->value('user_id')); if ($download_result['redirect']) { header('Location: ' . $download_result['url']); } $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '

' . $download_result['display'] . '

'); $page = 'bidding'; $section = 'won_items'; } if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'delete_invoice') { $item->delete_invoice($_REQUEST['invoice_id'], $_REQUEST['option'], $session->value('user_id')); } if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'delete_winner') { $item->delete_winner($_REQUEST['winner_id'], $_REQUEST['option'], $session->value('user_id')); } if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'request_refund') { $winner_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT w.*, i.user_id AS payer_id, i.refund_request FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "winners w LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "invoices i ON i.invoice_id=w.refund_invoice_id WHERE w.refund_invoice_id='" . intval($_REQUEST['refund_invoice_id']) . "'"); if ($winner_details['payer_id'] == $session->value('user_id') && $item->request_refund($winner_details['refund_invoice_id'], $winner_details['purchase_date'], $winner_details['flag_paid'], $winner_details['refund_request'])) { $output = $item->process_refund_request($winner_details['refund_invoice_id']); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '

' . $output['display'] . '

'); } } $src_transactions_query = null; $src_auctions_query = null; if ($page != 'reverse' && ($section == 'sold' || $section == 'won_items' || ($page == 'selling' && $section == 'open'))) { $src_box_type = ($page == 'selling' && $section == 'open') ? 1 : 0; $template->set('src_box_type', $src_box_type); $src_auction_id = intval($_REQUEST['src_auction_id']); $template->set('src_auction_id', $_REQUEST['src_auction_id']); if ($src_box_type == 1) { $keywords_search = $db->rem_special_chars($_REQUEST['src_item_title']); $keywords_search = optimize_search_string($keywords_search); } else { $src_username = $db->rem_special_chars($_REQUEST['src_username']); $template->set('src_username', $src_username); $src_start_time = (isset($_REQUEST['form_search_transactions'])) ? get_box_timestamp($_REQUEST, 1) : intval($_REQUEST['src_start_time']); $src_start_time = ($src_start_time > 0) ? $src_start_time : 0; $src_end_time = (isset($_REQUEST['form_search_transactions'])) ? get_box_timestamp($_REQUEST, 2) : intval($_REQUEST['src_end_time']); $src_end_time = ($src_end_time > 0 && $src_end_time <= CURRENT_TIME) ? $src_end_time + (24 * 60 * 60 - 1) : CURRENT_TIME; $start_date_box = date_form_field($src_start_time, 1, 'search_transactions_form', false); $template->set('start_date_box', $start_date_box); $end_date_box = date_form_field($src_end_time, 2, 'search_transactions_form', false); $template->set('end_date_box', $end_date_box); } $show = $_REQUEST['show']; $template->set('show', $show); $search_transactions_box = $template->process('search_transactions_box.tpl.php'); $template->set('search_transactions_box', $search_transactions_box); // build search query if ($src_box_type == 1) { if ($src_auction_id) { $src_auctions_query .= " AND a.auction_id='" . $src_auction_id . "'"; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['src_item_title'])) { $src_auctions_query .= " AND MATCH ( AGAINST ('+" . $keywords_search . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"; } } else { if ($src_auction_id) { $src_transactions_query .= " AND w.auction_id='" . $src_auction_id . "'"; } if ($src_username) { $src_user_id = $db->get_sql_field("SELECT user_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE username='" . $src_username . "'", 'user_id'); $src_transactions_query .= " AND " . (($section == 'sold') ? 'w.buyer_id' : 'w.seller_id') . "='" . $src_user_id . "'"; } if ($src_start_time) { $src_transactions_query .= " AND w.purchase_date>='" . $src_start_time . "'"; } if ($src_end_time) { $src_transactions_query .= " AND w.purchase_date<='" . $src_end_time . "'"; } } $additional_vars .= '&src_auction_id=' . $_REQUEST['src_auction_id'] . '&src_username=' . $src_username . '&src_start_time=' . $src_start_time . '&src_end_time=' . $src_end_time . '&src_item_title=' . $_REQUEST['src_item_title']; } if ($page == 'bidding' || $page == 'selling') /* allow bidders to create product invoices as well */ { if (isset($_REQUEST['form_send_invoice']) || $_REQUEST['send_invoice'] == 1) { $item->send_invoice($_POST, intval($_REQUEST['seller_id']), doubleval($_REQUEST['total_postage']), $session->value('user_id')); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '


'); $section = ($page == 'bidding') ? 'invoices_received' : 'invoices_sent'; $additional_vars = '&page=' . $page . '§ion=' . $section; } if ($section == 'product_invoice') { if ($setts['enable_buyer_create_invoice']) { $seller_id = ($_REQUEST['buyer_id'] && $page == 'selling') ? $session->value('user_id') : intval($_REQUEST['seller_id']); $buyer_id = ($_REQUEST['seller_id'] && $page == 'bidding') ? $session->value('user_id') : intval($_REQUEST['buyer_id']); } else { $seller_id = $session->value('user_id'); $buyer_id = intval($_REQUEST['buyer_id']); } $edit_invoice = false; if ($_REQUEST['option'] == 'edit_invoice') // only the seller can edit the invoice { $edit_invoice = true; $sql_select_products = $db->query("SELECT w.*,, a.apply_tax, a.currency FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "winners w LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a ON a.auction_id=w.auction_id WHERE w.invoice_id='" . intval($_REQUEST['invoice_id']) . "' AND w.seller_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); $buyer_id = $db->get_sql_field("SELECT buyer_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "winners WHERE invoice_id='" . intval($_REQUEST['invoice_id']) . "' AND seller_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'", 'buyer_id'); $seller_id = $session->value('user_id'); } else { /** * only items which have the same currency as the auction selected to be invoiced can be added in the * same invoice */ $accepted_currency = $db->get_sql_field("SELECT currency FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions WHERE auction_id='" . intval($_REQUEST['auction_id']) . "'", 'currency'); $sql_select_products = $db->query("SELECT a.*, w.winner_id, w.bid_amount, w.quantity_offered FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a, " . DB_PREFIX . "winners w WHERE a.currency='" . $accepted_currency . "' AND a.auction_id=w.auction_id AND w.seller_id='" . $seller_id . "' AND w.buyer_id='" . $buyer_id . "' AND w.invoice_id=0"); } $template->set('edit_invoice', $edit_invoice); $seller_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id='" . $seller_id . "'"); $template->set('seller_details', $seller_details); $user_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT user_id, username FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id='" . $buyer_id . "'"); $template->set('user_details', $user_details); $template->set('auction_id', intval($_REQUEST['auction_id'])); $single_settings = false; $calculate_postage = true; $winner_ids = null; $disabled_button = 'disabled'; $can_edit = ($seller_id == $session->value('user_id') || $edit_invoice) ? true : false; while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_products)) { if (!$single_settings) { $currency = $item_details['currency']; if ($_REQUEST['option'] == 'edit_invoice') { $total_postage['postage'] = $item_details['postage_amount']; $calculate_postage = false; $disabled_button = ''; } $template->set('invoice_comments', $item_details['invoice_comments']); } $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $winner_array = (!empty($_REQUEST['winner_id'])) ? $_REQUEST['winner_id'] : array(); if (in_array($item_details['winner_id'], $winner_array)) { $disabled_button = ''; $checked = 'checked'; $winner_ids[] = $item_details['winner_id']; } else { $checked = ''; } $field = null; if ($can_edit) { $field['winning_bid'] = $item_details['currency'] . ' '; $field['postage_item'] = $item_details['currency'] . ' '; $field['insurance'] = $item_details['currency'] . ' '; } else { $field['winning_bid'] = $fees->display_amount($item_details['bid_amount'], $item_details['currency']); $field['postage_item'] = $fees->display_amount($item_details['postage_amount'], $item_details['currency'], true); $field['insurance'] = $fees->display_amount($item_details['insurance_amount'], $item_details['currency'], true); } $product_invoice_content .= ' '. ' '. (($_REQUEST['option'] == 'edit_invoice') ? ' '. ' ' : ' '). ' # ' . $item_details['auction_id'] . ' '. ' ' . $item_details['name'] . ''. ' ' . $field['winning_bid'] . ' '. ' ' . $item_details['quantity_offered'] . ''. (($seller_details['pc_postage_type'] == 'item') ? ' '. $field['postage_item'] . '' : ''). ' '. $field['insurance'] . ''. ''; } $template->set('currency', $currency); $template->set('disabled_button', $disabled_button); if ($calculate_postage) { $total_postage = calculate_postage($winner_ids, $seller_details['user_id']); } else if ($seller_details['pc_postage_type'] != 'item') { $total_postage = $total_postage; } if ($can_edit) { $total_postage_box = $currency . ' '; } else { $total_postage_box = $fees->display_amount($total_postage['postage'], $currency); } $template->set('total_postage_box', $total_postage_box); $template->set('total_postage', $total_postage['postage']); $template->set('product_invoice_content', $product_invoice_content); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_selling_product_invoice.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } } if ($page == 'account' || $page == 'summary') /* BEGIN -> MY ACCOUNT SECTION */ { if ($section == 'editinfo') /* BEGIN -> PERSONAL INFORMATION PAGE */ { $page_handle = 'register'; /* this page is related to users, so the page handle for custom fields is "register" */ $row_user = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $session->value('user_id')); $username = $row_user['username']; /* the readonly field will not be altered */ if ($_POST['edit_refresh'] == 1) { $row_user = $_POST; $row_user['username'] = $username; } $user = new user(); $user->setts = &$setts; $tax = new tax(); $tax->setts = &$setts; if ($_REQUEST['operation'] == 'submit') { $user->save_vars($_POST); define ('FRMCHK_USER', 1); (bool) $frmchk_user_edit = 1; $frmchk_details = $_POST; $row_user = $_POST; $row_user['username'] = $username; /* the readonly field will not be altered */ include ('includes/procedure_frmchk_user.php'); /* Formchecker for user creation/edit */ if ($fv->is_error()) { $template->set('display_formcheck_errors', $fv->display_errors()); } else { $form_submitted = true; $template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved); $new_password = ($_POST['password'] == $_POST['password2'] && !empty($_POST['password'])) ? $_POST['password'] : null; $user->update($session->value('user_id'), $_POST, $new_password); } } if (!$form_submitted) { if ($_REQUEST['operation'] != 'submit') { $user->save_edit_vars($session->value('user_id'), $page_handle); } $template->set('edit_user', 1); $template->set('edit_disabled', 'disabled'); /* some fields in the registration will be disabled for editing */ $email_check_value = ($_POST['email_check']) ? $_POST['email_check'] : $row_user['email']; $template->set('email_check_value', $email_check_value); if (isset($_POST['tax_account_type'])) { $row_user['tax_account_type'] = $_POST['tax_account_type']; } $template->set('user_details', $row_user); $template->set('do', $_REQUEST['do']); //$header_registration_message = headercat('' . MSG_MM_MY_ACCOUNT . ' - ' . MSG_MM_PERSONAL_INFO . ''); //$template->set('header_registration_message', $header_registration_message); $template->set('proceed_button', GMSG_UPDATE_BTN); $template->set('country_dropdown', $tax->countries_dropdown('country', $row_user['country'], 'registration_form')); $template->set('state_box', $tax->states_box('state', $row_user['state'], $row_user['country'])); $custom_sections_table = $user->display_sections($row_user, $page_handle); $template->set('custom_sections_table', $custom_sections_table); $template->set('display_direct_payment_methods', $user->direct_payment_methods_edit($row_user)); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('register_members.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } } /* END -> PERSONAL INFORMATION PAGE */ else if ($section == 'management' || $page == 'summary') /* BEGIN -> MANAGE ACCOUNT PAGE */ { $user = new user(); $user->setts = &$setts; $tax = new tax(); if ($_REQUEST['operation'] == 'submit') { $form_submitted = false; $template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved); /** * all fee payments will be redirected to the new fee_payment.php file, which will * have different options on how payments will be handled */ $sql_update_pg_details = $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET default_bank_details='" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['default_bank_details']) . "', pg_paypal_email = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['pg_paypal_email']) . "', pg_worldpay_id = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['pg_worldpay_id']) . "', pg_checkout_id = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['pg_checkout_id']) . "', pg_nochex_email = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['pg_nochex_email']) . "', pg_ikobo_username = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['pg_ikobo_username']) . "', pg_ikobo_password = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['pg_ikobo_password']) . "', pg_protx_username = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['pg_protx_username']) . "', pg_protx_password = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['pg_protx_password']) . "', pg_authnet_username = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['pg_authnet_username']) . "', pg_authnet_password = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['pg_authnet_password']) . "', pg_mb_email = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['pg_mb_email']) . "', paypal_address_override = '" . intval($_POST['paypal_address_override']) . "', paypal_first_name = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['paypal_first_name']) . "', paypal_last_name = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['paypal_last_name']) . "', paypal_address1 = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['paypal_address1']) . "', paypal_address2 = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['paypal_address2']) . "', paypal_city = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['paypal_city']) . "', paypal_state = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['paypal_state']) . "', paypal_zip = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['paypal_zip']) . "', paypal_country = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['paypal_country']) . "', paypal_night_phone_a = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['paypal_night_phone_a']) . "', paypal_night_phone_b = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['paypal_night_phone_b']) . "', paypal_night_phone_c = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['paypal_night_phone_c']) . "', pg_paymate_merchant_id = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['pg_paymate_merchant_id']) . "', pg_gc_merchant_id = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['pg_gc_merchant_id']) . "', pg_gc_merchant_key = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['pg_gc_merchant_key']) . "', pg_amazon_access_key = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['pg_amazon_access_key']) . "', pg_amazon_secret_key = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['pg_amazon_secret_key']) . "', pg_alertpay_id = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['pg_alertpay_id']) . "', pg_alertpay_securitycode = '" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['pg_alertpay_securitycode']) . "' WHERE user_id=" . $session->value('user_id')); } if (!$form_submitted) { $row_user = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $session->value('user_id')); if ($_POST['refresh'] == 1) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $row_user[$key] = $value; } } $template->set('user_details', $row_user); $template->set('do', $_REQUEST['do']); $template->set('countries_drop_down', paypal_countries_drop_down($row_user['paypal_country'])); $header_registration_message = headercat('' . MSG_MM_MY_ACCOUNT . ' - ' . MSG_MM_MANAGE_ACCOUNT . ''); $template->set('header_registration_message', $header_registration_message); $template->set('display_account_status', $user->account_status($row_user['active'], $row_user['approved'])); $user_payment_mode = $fees->user_payment_mode($session->value('user_id')); $template->set('user_payment_mode', $user_payment_mode); $template->set('display_payment_mode', $user->payment_mode_desc($user_payment_mode)); (string) $display_balance_details = null; $display_balance_details = $user->show_balance($row_user['balance'], $setts['currency']); if ($user_payment_mode == 2 && $row_user['balance']>=$setts['min_invoice_value']) { $display_balance_details .= ' [ ' . MSG_CLEAR_ACC_BALANCE . ' ]'; } $template->set('display_balance_details', $display_balance_details); $template->set('display_direct_payment_methods', $user->direct_payment_methods_edit($row_user)); $template->set('proceed_button', GMSG_UPDATE_BTN); // resumo da conta $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_manage_account.tpl.php'); if ($page == 'summary') { $summary_page_content['manage_account'] = $members_area_page_content; } else { $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } } } /* END -> MANAGE ACCOUNT PAGE */ else if ($section == 'history') { $user = new user(); $user->setts = &$setts; $row_user = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $session->value('user_id')); $template->set('user_details', $row_user); $template->set('display_account_status', $user->account_status($row_user['active'], $row_user['approved'])); $user_payment_mode = $fees->user_payment_mode($session->value('user_id')); $template->set('user_payment_mode', $user_payment_mode); $template->set('display_payment_mode', $user->payment_mode_desc($user_payment_mode)); (string) $display_balance_details = null; $display_balance_details = $user->show_balance($row_user['balance'], $setts['currency']); if ($user_payment_mode == 2 && $row_user['balance']>=$setts['min_invoice_value']) { $display_balance_details .= ' [ ' . MSG_CLEAR_ACC_BALANCE . ' ]'; } $template->set('display_balance_details', $display_balance_details); $show_history_table = false; if (isset($_POST['form_display_history']) || $_REQUEST['do'] == 'view_history') { $show_history_table = true; $additional_vars .= '&do=view_history&date1_month=' . $_REQUEST['date1_month'] . '&date1_year=' . $_REQUEST['date1_year'] . '&date1_day=' . $_REQUEST['date1_day'] . '&date2_month=' . $_REQUEST['date2_month'] . '&date2_year=' . $_REQUEST['date2_year'] . '&date2_day=' . $_REQUEST['date2_day']; $history_details['start_time'] = get_box_timestamp($_REQUEST, 1); $history_details['start_time'] = ($history_details['start_time'] > 0) ? $history_details['start_time'] : 0; $history_details['end_time'] = get_box_timestamp($_REQUEST, 2); $history_details['end_time'] = ($history_details['end_time'] > 0 && $history_details['end_time'] <= CURRENT_TIME) ? $history_details['end_time'] : CURRENT_TIME; $date_query = "AND invoice_date>=" . $history_details['start_time'] . " AND invoice_date<='" . $history_details['end_time'] . "'";## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 we will generate the history table here.## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 first we select all auction invoices (account mode)## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 then we select all live fees (auction fees, store fees, signup fees)## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 we will only generate invoices for fees, not for payments, so only if invoice_amount>0 => invoice $invoices_query = "SELECT *, sum(amount) AS invoice_amount FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "invoices WHERE live_fee=0 AND item_id>0 AND user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' " . $date_query . " GROUP BY item_id UNION SELECT *, sum(amount) AS invoice_amount FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "invoices WHERE live_fee=0 AND wanted_ad_id>0 AND user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' " . $date_query . " GROUP BY wanted_ad_id UNION SELECT *, sum(amount) AS invoice_amount FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "invoices WHERE live_fee=0 AND reverse_id>0 AND user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' " . $date_query . " GROUP BY reverse_id UNION SELECT *, amount AS invoice_amount FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "invoices WHERE live_fee=1 AND user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' " . $date_query; $nb_invoices = $db->get_sql_number($invoices_query); $template->set('nb_invoices', $nb_invoices); $sql_select_invoices = $db->query($invoices_query . " ORDER BY invoice_id DESC LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); (string) $history_table_content = null; while ($invoice_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_invoices)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $history_row = $item->history_row($invoice_details); $history_table_content .= ' '. ' ' . $history_row['item_id'] . ' '. ' ' . $history_row['invoice_name'] . ' '. ' ' . $history_row['payment_type'] . ' '. ' ' . $history_row['date'] . ' '. ' ' . $history_row['amount'] . ' '. //' ' . $history_row['balance'] . ' '. ''; } $template->set('history_table_content', $history_table_content); } $template->set('show_history_table', $show_history_table); $start_date_box = date_form_field($history_details['start_time'], 1, 'account_history_form', false); $template->set('start_date_box', $start_date_box); $end_date_box = date_form_field($history_details['end_time'], 2, 'account_history_form', false); $template->set('end_date_box', $end_date_box); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_invoices, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); // historico da conta $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_account_history.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } else if ($section == 'mailprefs') { if (isset($_POST['form_save_settings'])) { $template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved); $item->update_mailprefs($_POST, $session->value('user_id')); } $mail_prefs = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); $template->set('mail_prefs', $mail_prefs); // preferencias de email $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_account_mailprefs.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } else if ($section == 'abuse_report') { $form_submitted = false; if (isset($_POST['form_add_abuse_report'])) { $post_details = $db->rem_special_chars_array($_POST); $is_user = $db->count_rows('users', "WHERE username='" . $post_details['abuser_username'] . "'"); if ($is_user) { $form_submitted = true; $db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "abuses (user_id, abuser_username, comment, reg_date, auction_id) VALUES ('" . $session->value('user_id') . "', '" . $post_details['abuser_username'] . "', '" . $post_details['comment'] . "', '" . CURRENT_TIME . "', '" . intval($post_details['auction_id']) . "')"); /** * email a notification to the admin regarding the abuse report */ $mail_input_id = $db->insert_id(); include_once('language/' . $setts['site_lang'] . '/mails/abuse_report_notification.php'); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '


'); } else { $display_formcheck_errors = ' '. ' ' . MSG_ERROR_USER_DOESNT_EXIST . ' '. ' '; $template->set('display_formcheck_errors', $display_formcheck_errors); } } if (!$form_submitted) { $auction_id = intval($_REQUEST['auction_id']); $template->set('auction_id', $auction_id); if ($auction_id) { $item_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT, u.username FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a, " . DB_PREFIX . "users u WHERE u.user_id=a.owner_id AND a.auction_id='" . $auction_id . "'"); $template->set('item_details', $item_details); } $template->set('post_details', $post_details); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_account_abuse_report.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } } else if ($section == 'refund_requests') { $user = new user(); $user->setts = &$setts; $row_user = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $session->value('user_id')); $invoices_query = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "invoices WHERE refund_request!=0 AND user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"; $nb_invoices = $db->get_sql_number($invoices_query); $template->set('nb_invoices', $nb_invoices); $sql_select_invoices = $db->query($invoices_query . " ORDER BY refund_request_date DESC LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); (string) $history_table_content = null; while ($invoice_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_invoices)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $refunds_table_content .= ' '. ' ' . $invoice_details['item_id'] . ' '. ' ' . $invoice_details['name'] . ' '. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($invoice_details['amount']) . ' '. ' ' . show_date($invoice_details['refund_request_date']) . ' '. ' ' . $item->refund_status($invoice_details['refund_request']) . ' '. ''; } $template->set('refunds_table_content', $refunds_table_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_invoices, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_account_refund_requests.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } } /* END -> MY ACCOUNT SECTION */ if ($page == 'messaging' || $page == 'summary') /* BEGIN -> MESSAGING PAGES */ { $msg = new messaging(); $msg->setts = &$setts; if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'delete_message') { $is_messages = count($_REQUEST['delete']); if ($is_messages) { foreach ($_REQUEST['delete'] as $value) { $msg->delete_message($value, $session->value('user_id'), $_REQUEST['type']); } $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '


'); } } if ($section == 'received' || $page == 'summary') { $nb_messages = $db->count_rows('messaging', "WHERE receiver_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND receiver_deleted=0" . (($page == 'summary') ? " AND is_read=0" : '')); $template->set('nb_messages', $nb_messages); $template->set('page_order_reg_date', page_order('members_area.php', 'm.reg_date', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_MESSAGE_DATE)); $template->set('page_order_sender_username', page_order('members_area.php', 'u.username', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_SENDER_USERNAME)); if ($nb_messages) { $nb_unread_messages = $db->count_rows('messaging', "WHERE receiver_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND receiver_deleted=0 AND is_read=0"); $template->set('nb_unread_messages', $nb_unread_messages); $sql_select_messages = $db->query("SELECT m.admin_message,, u.username AS sender_username, AS wanted_name, AS reverse_name, m.* FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "messaging m LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a ON a.auction_id=m.auction_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "wanted_ads w ON w.wanted_ad_id=m.wanted_ad_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_auctions r ON r.reverse_id=m.reverse_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=m.sender_id WHERE m.receiver_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND m.receiver_deleted=0 " . (($page == 'summary') ? " AND m.is_read=0" : '') . " ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($msg_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_messages)) { //if (!$msg_details['is_read']) exit("message not read: ".$msg_details['sender_username']); $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $ico_read = (!$msg_details['is_read']) ? 'unread' : 'read'; $content_options = '' . MSG_DELETE . ''; /*$received_messages_content .= ' '. ' '. ' ' . (($msg_details['admin_message']) ? GMSG_SITE_ADMIN : $msg_details['sender_username']) . ' '. ' ' . $msg->message_subject($msg_details) . ''. ' ' . show_date($msg_details['reg_date']) . ' '. ' '. '';*/ $received_messages_content .= ' '.(!$msg_details['is_read'] ? '' : '').'' . (($msg_details['admin_message']) ? GMSG_SITE_ADMIN : $msg_details['sender_username']) . ''.(!$msg_details['is_read'] ? '' : '').' '.(!$msg_details['is_read'] ? '' : '').''.$msg->message_subject($msg_details).''.(!$msg_details['is_read'] ? '' : '').' '.(!$msg_details['is_read'] ? '' : '').'' . show_date($msg_details['reg_date']) . ''.(!$msg_details['is_read'] ? '' : '').' '; } } else { $received_messages_content = '' . GMSG_NO_MESSAGES_MSG . ''; } $template->set('received_messages_content', $received_messages_content); if ($page != 'summary') { $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_messages, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); } $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_messaging_received.tpl.php'); if ($page == 'summary') { //$members_area_page_content .= ''; // ends div
$summary_page_content['messaging_received'] = $members_area_page_content; } $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'sent') { $nb_messages = $db->count_rows('messaging', "WHERE sender_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND sender_deleted=0"); $template->set('nb_messages', $nb_messages); $template->set('page_order_reg_date', page_order('members_area.php', 'm.reg_date', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_MESSAGE_DATE)); $template->set('page_order_receiver_username', page_order('members_area.php', 'u.username', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_SENDER_USERNAME)); if ($nb_messages) { $sql_select_messages = $db->query("SELECT, u.username AS receiver_username, AS wanted_name, AS reverse_name, m.* FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "messaging m LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a ON a.auction_id=m.auction_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "wanted_ads w ON w.wanted_ad_id=m.wanted_ad_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_auctions r ON r.reverse_id=m.reverse_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=m.receiver_id WHERE m.sender_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND m.sender_deleted=0 ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($msg_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_messages)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $content_options = '' . MSG_DELETE . ''; /* $sent_messages_content .= ' '. ' ' . $msg_details['receiver_username'] . ' '. ' ' . $msg->message_subject($msg_details) . ''. ' ' . show_date($msg_details['reg_date']) . ' '. ' '. ''; */ $sent_messages_content .= ' ' . (($msg_details['admin_message']) ? GMSG_SITE_ADMIN : $msg_details['sender_username']) . ' '.$msg->message_subject($msg_details).' ' . show_date($msg_details['reg_date']) . ' '; } } else { $sent_messages_content = '' . GMSG_NO_MESSAGES_MSG . ''; } $template->set('sent_messages_content', $sent_messages_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_messages, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_messaging_sent.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } } /* END -> MESSAGING PAGES */ if ($page == 'bidding' || $page == 'summary') /* BEGIN -> BIDDING PAGES */ { if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'retract_bid') { $item_details_tmp = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions WHERE auction_id='" . $_REQUEST['auction_id'] . "'"); if (!$item->under_time($item_details_tmp)) { $retract_output = $item->retract_bid($session->value('user_id'), $_REQUEST['auction_id']); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '

' . $retract_output['display'] . '

'); } } if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'hide_bid') { $hide_output = $item->hide_bid($_REQUEST['bid_id'], $session->value('user_id')); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '

' . $hide_output . '

'); } /* if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'delete_item_watch') { $delete_output = $item->item_watch_delete($_REQUEST['auction_id'], $session->value('user_id')); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '

' . $delete_output . '

'); } */ if (isset($_POST['form_watched_proceed'])) { $nb_deletions = $item->count_contents($_REQUEST['delete']); if ($nb_deletions > 0) { $delete_output = $item->item_watch_delete($db->implode_array($_REQUEST['delete']), $session->value('user_id')); } $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '

' . $delete_output . '

'); } if (isset($_POST['form_keywords_watch_proceed'])) { $nb_deletions = $item->count_contents($_REQUEST['delete']); if ($nb_deletions > 0) { $delete_output = $item->keywords_watch_delete($db->implode_array($_REQUEST['delete']), $session->value('user_id')); } $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '

' . $delete_output . '

'); } if (isset($_POST['form_keywords_watch_add_keyword'])) { $keyword = $db->rem_special_chars($_REQUEST['keyword']); if (!empty($keyword)) { $db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "keywords_watch (keyword, user_id) VALUES ('" . $keyword . "', '" . $session->value('user_id') . "')"); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '


'); } } if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'delete_fav_store') { $db->query("DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "favourite_stores WHERE id='" . intval($_REQUEST['id']) . "' AND user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '


'); } /* begin -> stats box */ $nb_current_bids = $db->get_sql_field("SELECT count(*) AS nb_bids FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "bids b, " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a WHERE b.bidder_id=" . $session->value('user_id') . " AND a.auction_id=b.auction_id AND AND a.closed=0 AND a.deleted=0 AND b.deleted=0 AND b.bid_invalid=0", 'nb_bids'); $nb_winning = $db->get_sql_field("SELECT count(*) AS nb_bids FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "bids b, " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a WHERE b.bidder_id=" . $session->value('user_id') . " AND b.bid_out=0 AND b.bid_invalid=0 AND a.auction_id=b.auction_id AND AND a.closed=0 AND a.deleted=0 AND b.deleted=0", 'nb_bids'); $nb_won_items = $db->count_rows('winners w', "WHERE w.buyer_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND w.b_deleted=0" . $src_transactions_query); $template->set('nb_current_bids', $nb_current_bids); $template->set('nb_winning', $nb_winning); $template->set('nb_won_items', $nb_won_items); $members_area_stats = $template->process('members_area_stats_bidding.tpl.php'); if ($page == 'summary') { $summary_page_content['stats_bidding'] = $members_area_stats; } else { $template->set('members_area_stats', $members_area_stats); } /* end -> stats box */ if ($section == 'current_bids' || $page == 'summary') { $header_bidding_page = headercat('' . MSG_MM_BIDDING . ' - ' . MSG_MM_CURRENT_BIDS . ''); $nb_bids = $nb_current_bids; $template->set('header_bidding_page', $header_bidding_page); $template->set('nb_bids', $nb_bids); if ($page == 'summary') { $order_field = 'b.bid_id'; $order_type = 'DESC'; $start = 0; $limit = 5; } else { $template->set('page_order_auction_id', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.auction_id', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_AUCTION_ID)); $template->set('page_order_itemname', page_order('members_area.php', '', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_ITEM_TITLE)); $template->set('page_order_bid_amount', page_order('members_area.php', 'b.bid_amount', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_BID_AMOUNT)); $template->set('page_order_bid_proxy', page_order('members_area.php', 'b.bid_proxy', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_PROXY_BID)); $template->set('page_order_bid_date', page_order('members_area.php', 'b.bid_date', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_DATE)); } if ($nb_bids) { $sql_select_bids = $db->query("SELECT b.*, a.* FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "bids b, " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a WHERE b.bidder_id=" . $session->value('user_id') . " AND a.auction_id=b.auction_id AND AND a.closed=0 AND a.deleted=0 AND b.deleted=0 AND b.bid_invalid=0 ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($bid_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_bids)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $content_options = array(); if ($setts['enable_bid_retraction']) { if (!$item->under_time($bid_details)) { $content_options[] = '' . MSG_RETRACT_BID . ''; } if ($bid_details['bid_out']) { $content_options[] = '' . MSG_DELETE . ''; } } $options_output = $db->implode_array($content_options, '
'); $media_url = $db->get_sql_field("SELECT media_url FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auction_media WHERE auction_id=" . $bid_details['auction_id'] . " AND media_type=1 AND upload_in_progress=0 ORDER BY media_id ASC", 'media_url'); $auction_image = (!empty($media_url)) ? $media_url : 'themes/' . $setts['default_theme'] . '/img/system/noimg.gif'; $auction_link = process_link('auction_details', array('auction_id' => $bid_details['auction_id'])); $current_bids_content .= ' '. ' ' . $bid_details['name'] . ' '. ' # ' . $bid_details['auction_id'] . ' '. ' ' . $bid_details['name'] . ''. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($bid_details['bid_amount'], $bid_details['currency']) . ' '. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($bid_details['bid_proxy'], $bid_details['currency']) . ''. ' ' . show_date($bid_details['bid_date']) . ''. ' ' . field_display($bid_details['bid_out'], GMSG_ACTIVE, GMSG_INACTIVE) . ''. ' ' . $options_output . ''. ''; } } else { $current_bids_content = '' . GMSG_NO_BIDS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('current_bids_content', $current_bids_content); if ($page != 'summary') { $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_bids, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); } // current bids $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_bidding_current_bids.tpl.php'); if ($page == 'summary') { $summary_page_content['bidding_current_bids'] = $members_area_page_content; } $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'won_items') { $show_link = '&show=' . $_REQUEST['show']; (string) $search_filter = null; if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'dd') { $search_filter .= " AND w.is_dd=1"; $nb_won_items = $db->count_rows('winners w', "WHERE w.buyer_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND w.b_deleted=0" . $search_filter . $src_transactions_query); } else if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'no_dd') { $search_filter .= " AND w.is_dd=0"; $nb_won_items = $db->count_rows('winners w', "WHERE w.buyer_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND w.b_deleted=0" . $search_filter . $src_transactions_query); } (string) $filter_items_content = null; $filter_items_content .= display_link('members_area.php?page=bidding§ion=won_items', GMSG_ALL, ((!$_REQUEST['show']) ? false : true)) . ' | '; $filter_items_content .= display_link('members_area.php?page=bidding§ion=won_items&show=dd', MSG_DIGITAL_MEDIA_ATTACHED, (($_REQUEST['show'] == 'dd') ? false : true)) . ' | '; $filter_items_content .= display_link('members_area.php?page=bidding§ion=won_items&show=no_dd', MSG_NO_DIGITAL_MEDIA, (($_REQUEST['show'] == 'no_dd') ? false : true)); $template->set('filter_items_content', $filter_items_content); $nb_items = $nb_won_items; $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); $template->set('page_order_auction_id', page_order('members_area.php', 'w.auction_id', $start, $limit, $additional_vars . $show_link, MSG_AUCTION_ID)); $template->set('page_order_itemname', page_order('members_area.php', '', $start, $limit, $additional_vars . $show_link, MSG_ITEM_TITLE)); $template->set('page_order_bid_amount', page_order('members_area.php', 'w.bid_amount', $start, $limit, $additional_vars . $show_link, MSG_WINNING_BID)); $template->set('page_order_quantity', page_order('members_area.php', 'w.quantity_offered', $start, $limit, $additional_vars . $show_link, MSG_QUANTITY_OFFERED)); $template->set('page_order_purchase_date', page_order('members_area.php', 'w.purchase_date', $start, $limit, $additional_vars . $show_link, MSG_PURCHASE_DATE)); if ($nb_items) { $sql_select_won = $db->query("SELECT w.*, AS auction_name, a.currency, a.category_id, a.bank_details, a.direct_payment, u.username,, r.submitted, r.reputation_id, i.refund_request, i.user_id AS payer_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "winners w LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a ON a.auction_id=w.auction_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=w.seller_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "reputation r ON r.from_id=w.buyer_id AND r.winner_id=w.winner_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "invoices i ON i.invoice_id=w.refund_invoice_id WHERE w.buyer_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND w.b_deleted=0 " . $search_filter . $src_transactions_query . " GROUP BY w.winner_id ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); $sale_fee = new fees(); $sale_fee->setts = &$setts; while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_won)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $sale_fee->set_fees($item_details['buyer_id'], $item_details['category_id']);## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 by default the seller will pay $item_paid = ($item_details['active'] == 1 && $item_details['payment_status'] == 'confirmed') ? 1 : 0; if ($item_paid) { $content_options = '• ' . MSG_MESSAGE_BOARD . '
'; if (!$item_details['submitted']) { //$content_options .= '• ' . MSG_LEAVE_COMMENTS . '
'; } $content_options .= (!empty($item_details['bank_details'])) ? '• ' . MSG_VIEW_BANK_DETAILS . '
' : ''; if (!$item_details['invoice_sent']) { $content_options .= '• ' . MSG_DELETE . ''; } } else { if (eregi('b', $sale_fee->fee['endauction_fee_applies'])) { $content_options = '• ' . MSG_PAY_ENDAUCTION_FEE . ''; } else { $content_options = '• ' . MSG_ENDAUCTION_FEE_NOT_PAID; } } if ($item_details['invoice_id']) { $direct_payment_link = '[ ' . MSG_PAY_WITH_DIRECT_PAYMENT . ' ]'; } else { $direct_payment_link = '[ ' . field_display(MSG_PAY_WITH_DIRECT_PAYMENT, '') . ' ]'; } $won_auctions_content .= ' '. ' # ' . $item_details['auction_id'] . ' - '. ' ' . field_display($item_details['auction_name'], MSG_AUCTION_DELETED) . ''. (($item_paid && !empty($item_details['direct_payment']) && !$item_details['direct_payment_paid'] && !$item_details['flag_paid'] && $item_details['bid_amount'] > 0) ? '

' . $direct_payment_link : ''). ' '. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($item_details['bid_amount'], $item_details['currency']) . ''. ' ' . MSG_REQUESTED . ': ' . $item_details['quantity_requested'] . '
'. ' ' . MSG_OFFERED . ': ' . $item_details['quantity_offered'] . ' '. ' '; if ($item_paid) { $won_auctions_content .= ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. '
' . MSG_USERNAME . '' . field_display($item_details['username'], GMSG_NA) . '
' . MSG_FULL_NAME . '' . field_display($item_details['name'], GMSG_NA) . '
'; } $won_auctions_content .= ' '. ' '; if ($item_paid) { $won_auctions_content .= ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. '
' . show_date($item_details['purchase_date']) . '
' . $item->flag_paid($item_details['flag_paid'], $item_details['direct_payment_paid']) . '
' . $item->flag_status($item_details['flag_status']) . '
'; } $won_auctions_content .= ' '. ' ' . $content_options . ''. ''; if ($item_paid) { if ($item_details['invoice_sent']) { $won_auctions_content .= ' '. ' '. ' • ' . MSG_INVOICE_RECEIVED . ' [ ' . MSG_ID . ': ' . $item_details['invoice_id'] . ' ] ' . MSG_VIEW_PRODUCT_INVOICE . ''. ' '. ' '; } else if ($setts['enable_buyer_create_invoice']) { $won_auctions_content .= ' '. ' '. ' • ' . MSG_COMBINE_PURCHASES . ''. ' '. ' '; } if ($item_details['payer_id'] == $session->value('user_id') && $item->request_refund($item_details['refund_invoice_id'], $item_details['purchase_date'], $item_details['flag_paid'], $item_details['refund_request'])) { $won_auctions_content .= ' '. ' '. ' • ' . MSG_REQUEST_EOA_REFUND . ''; ' '. ' '; } if ($item_details['is_dd']) { $dd_expires = dd_expires($item_details['dd_active_date']); $won_auctions_content .= ' '. ' ' . MSG_DIGITAL_MEDIA_ATTACHED . ' '. ' ' . MSG_DOWNLOADED . ' ' . $item_details['dd_nb_downloads'] . ' ' . MSG_TIMES . ''. (($item_details['dd_active']) ? '
' : '') . ' 0) ? '' : 'disabled') . '/>'. (($item_details['dd_active']) ? '
' : '') . ' ' . MSG_LINK_EXPIRES . ': ' . (($item_details['dd_active']) ? $dd_expires['display'] : GMSG_NA) . ''. ''; } } if ($item_details['temp_purchase']) { $won_auctions_content .= ' '. ' ' . MSG_BUYOUT_FORCE_PAYMENT_ALERT . ' '. ''; } $won_auctions_content .= ' '. ' '. ''; } } else { $won_auctions_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('won_auctions_content', $won_auctions_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link . $show_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_bidding_won_items.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'invoices_received') { $nb_items = $db->get_sql_number("SELECT winner_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "winners WHERE invoice_sent=1 AND buyer_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' GROUP BY invoice_id"); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); (string) $invoices_received_content = null; if ($nb_items) { $sql_select_invoices = $db->query("SELECT w.*, u.username FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "winners w LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=w.seller_id WHERE w.buyer_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND w.b_deleted=0 AND w.invoice_sent=1 GROUP BY w.invoice_id ORDER BY w.invoice_id DESC LIMIT " . $start . ", 5"); while ($invoice_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_invoices)) { $invoices_received_content .= ' '. ' [ ' . MSG_INVOICE_ID . ': ' . $invoice_details['invoice_id'] . ' ]   [ ' . MSG_SELLER_USERNAME . ': ' . $invoice_details['username'] . ' ]'. ' [ ' . MSG_DELETE . ' ]'. ' '; $sql_select_products = $db->query("SELECT w.*,, a.direct_payment, a.currency FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "winners w LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a ON a.auction_id=w.auction_id WHERE w.invoice_id='" . $invoice_details['invoice_id'] . "'"); $invoices_received_content .= ' '. ' ' . GMSG_DESCRIPTION . ' '. ' ' . GMSG_QUANTITY . ' '. ' ' . GMSG_PRICE_ITEM . ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '; (array) $dp_array = null; (array) $items_array = null; $product_postage = null; $product_insurance = null; while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_products)) { $background = 'c1'; $currency = $item_details['currency']; $product_postage = ($item_details['postage_included']) ? (($item_details['pc_postage_type'] == 'item') ? ($item_details['postage_amount'] + $product_postage) : $item_details['postage_amount']) : 0; $product_insurance += ($item_details['insurance_included']) ? $item_details['insurance_amount'] : 0; $auction_link = process_link('auction_details', array('name' => $item_details['name'], 'auction_id' => $item_details['auction_id'])); $invoices_received_content .= ' '. ' [ ' . MSG_ID . ': ' . $item_details['auction_id'] . ' ] ' . $item_details['name'] . ' '. ' ' . $item_details['quantity_offered'] . ' '. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($item_details['bid_amount'], $item_details['currency']) . ' '. ' '; $items_array[] = $item_details; $dp_array[] = ($item_details['direct_payment']) ? @explode(',', $item_details['direct_payment']) : null; } // new postage and insurance tab $invoices_received_content .= ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' ' . MSG_POSTAGE . ':'. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($product_postage, $currency) . ''. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' ' . MSG_INSURANCE . ':'. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($product_insurance, $currency) . ''. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '; (string) $direct_payment_link = null; $is_direct_payment = $item->direct_payment_multiple($invoice_details['invoice_id'], $items_array, $dp_array, $session->value('user_id')); if ($is_direct_payment) { $direct_payment_link = '[ ' . MSG_PAY_WITH_DIRECT_PAYMENT . ' ]'; } $invoices_received_content .= ' '. ' [ ' . MSG_VIEW_PRODUCT_INVOICE . ' ] ' . $direct_payment_link . ''. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '; } } else { $invoices_received_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('invoices_received_content', $invoices_received_content); $pagination = paginate($start, 5, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_bidding_invoices_received.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'item_watch') { $nb_items = $db->count_rows('auction_watch', "WHERE user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); $template->set('page_order_auction_id', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.auction_id', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_AUCTION_ID)); $template->set('page_order_end_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.end_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_END_TIME)); $template->set('page_order_itemname', page_order('members_area.php', '', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_ITEM_TITLE)); if ($nb_items) { $sql_select_items = $db->query("SELECT aw.*,, a.end_time FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auction_watch aw LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a ON a.auction_id=aw.auction_id WHERE aw.user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_items)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; //$content_options = '' . MSG_DELETE . ''; $content_options = ''; $watched_items_content .= ' '. ' # ' . $item_details['auction_id'] . ' '. ' ' . $item_details['name'] . ''. ' ' . time_left($item_details['end_time']) . ''. ' ' . $content_options . ''. ''; } } else { $watched_items_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('watched_items_content', $watched_items_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_bidding_item_watch.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'favorite_stores') { $nb_items = $db->count_rows('favourite_stores', "WHERE user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); if ($nb_items) { $sql_select_items = $db->query("SELECT s.*, u.shop_name, u.username, u.shop_nb_items FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "favourite_stores s LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=s.store_id WHERE s.user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_items)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $content_options = '' . MSG_DELETE . ''; $fav_stores_content .= ' '. ' # ' . $item_details['store_id'] . ' '. ' ' . $item_details['shop_name'] . ''. ' ' . $item_details['username'] . ''. ' ' . $item_details['shop_nb_items'] . ''. ' ' . $content_options . ''. ''; } } else { $fav_stores_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('fav_stores_content', $fav_stores_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_bidding_favorite_stores.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'keywords_watch') { $nb_items = $db->count_rows('keywords_watch', "WHERE user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); $template->set('option', $_REQUEST['option']); $template->set('page_order_keyword', page_order('members_area.php', 'keyword', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_KEYWORD)); if ($nb_items) { $sql_select_items = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "keywords_watch WHERE user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_items)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $content_options = ''; $keywords_watch_content .= ' '. ' ' . $item_details['keyword'] . ' '. ' ' . $content_options . ''. ''; } } else { $keywords_watch_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('keywords_watch_content', $keywords_watch_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_bidding_keywords_watch.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } } /* END -> BIDDING PAGES */ if ($page == 'selling' || ($page == 'summary' && $session->value('is_seller'))) /* BEGIN -> SELLING PAGES */ { if ($page == 'selling' && $session->value('is_seller') && $setts['enable_seller_verification']) { ## seller verification status box $seller_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT seller_verified FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $session->value('user_id')); $template->set('seller_details', $seller_details); $seller_verified_status_box = $template->process('members_area_stats_verif_status_box.tpl.php'); $template->set('seller_verified_status_box', $seller_verified_status_box); } if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'delete_auction') { $item->delete($_REQUEST['auction_id'], $session->value('user_id')); } if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'close_auction') { $auction_id = intval($_REQUEST['auction_id']); $close_item_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions WHERE auction_id='" . $auction_id . "'"); if ($item->can_close_manually($close_item_details, $session->value('user_id'))) { $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions SET close_in_progress=1 WHERE auction_id='" . $auction_id . "'"); $item->close($close_item_details, false, false); $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions SET close_in_progress=0 WHERE auction_id='" . $auction_id . "'"); } } if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'closed_proceed') { $nb_relists = $item->count_contents($_REQUEST['relist']); $nb_deletions = $item->count_contents($_REQUEST['delete']); if ($nb_relists > 0) { for ($i=0; $i<$nb_relists; $i++) { $relist_id = $_REQUEST['relist'][$i]; $relist_result = $item->relist($relist_id, $session->value('user_id'), $_REQUEST['duration'][$relist_id]); $relist_output[] = $relist_result['display']; } $template->set('msg_auction_relist', '

' . $db->implode_array($relist_output, '
') . '

'); } if ($nb_deletions > 0) { $item->delete($db->implode_array($_REQUEST['delete']), $session->value('user_id')); } } if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'delete_offer') { $msg_changes_saved = '


'; $template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved); if (in_array($_REQUEST['offer_type'], array('auction_offers', 'swaps'))) { $item->delete_offer($_REQUEST['offer_type'], $_REQUEST['offer_id'], $session->value('user_id')); } } if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'accept_offer') { $msg_changes_saved = '


'; $template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved); if (in_array($_REQUEST['offer_type'], array('auction_offers', 'swaps', 'bids'))) { $item->accept_offer($_REQUEST['offer_type'], $_REQUEST['offer_id'], $session->value('user_id')); } } if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'resend_invoice') { $invoice_id = intval($_REQUEST['invoice_id']); $is_invoice = $db->count_rows('winners', "WHERE invoice_id='" . $invoice_id . "' AND seller_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); if ($is_invoice && $invoice_id > 0) { $item->resend_invoice($invoice_id); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '


'); } } if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'dd_active') { activate_dd($_REQUEST['winner_id'], $session->value('user_id'), $_REQUEST['value']); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '


'); } if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'add_suggested_category') { $category_desc = $db->rem_special_chars($_REQUEST['category_desc']); $db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "suggested_categories (userid, content, regdate) VALUES ('" . $session->value('user_id') . "', '" . $category_desc . "', '" . CURRENT_TIME . "')"); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '


'); } if ($section == 'suggest_category') { $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_selling_suggest_category.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'view_offers') { $item_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT a.*, w.seller_id, w.purchase_date, w.flag_paid, w.buyer_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "winners w ON w.auction_id=a.auction_id WHERE a.owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND a.auction_id='" . intval($_REQUEST['auction_id']) . "' GROUP BY a.auction_id"); ## add a can_make_offer function which checks if offers are available. $can_make_offer = $item->can_make_offer($item_details); if ($item->count_contents($item_details)) { $template->set('item_details', $item_details); if (!empty($item_details['direct_payment'])) { $dp_methods = $item->select_direct_payment($item_details['direct_payment'], 0, true, true); $template->set('direct_payment_methods_display', $db->implode_array($dp_methods, ', ')); } if (!empty($item_details['payment_methods'])) { $offline_payments = $item->select_offline_payment($item_details['payment_methods'], true, true); $template->set('offline_payment_methods_display', $db->implode_array($offline_payments, ', ')); } (string) $winning_bids_content = null; (string) $make_offer_content = null; (string) $reserve_offer_content = null; (string) $second_chance_content = null; (string) $swap_offer_content = null; /** * first we will show on this page if there are any winners on this auction with the possibility to * delete the winning bid rows */ if ($item_details['closed'] == 1) { $sql_select_winning_bids = $db->query("SELECT w.*, u.username, a.currency FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "winners w LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=w.buyer_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a ON a.auction_id=w.auction_id WHERE w.auction_id='" . $item_details['auction_id'] . "' AND w.seller_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' ORDER BY w.winner_id DESC"); while ($winning_bid_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_winning_bids)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $winning_bids_content .= ' '. ' ' . $winning_bid_details['username'] . user_pics($winning_bid_details['buyer_id']) . ' '. ' ' . $winning_bid_details['quantity_offered'] . ' '. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($winning_bid_details['bid_amount'], $winning_bid_details['currency']) . ' '. ' ' . show_date($winning_bid_details['purchase_date']) . ' '. ' ' . $item->flag_paid($winning_bid_details['flag_paid'], $winning_bid_details['direct_payment_paid']) . ' '. ' '; } $template->set('winning_bids_content', $winning_bids_content); } if ($layout['enable_buyout'] && $setts['makeoffer_process'] == 1 && ($item_details['auction_type'] == 'standard' || empty($winning_bids_content)))## make offer is enabled (for dutch only if no winners) { $sql_select_make_offer = $db->query("SELECT ao.*, u.username FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auction_offers ao, " . DB_PREFIX . "users u WHERE ao.auction_id='" . $item_details['auction_id'] . "' AND ao.seller_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND ao.buyer_id=u.user_id"); while ($offer_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_make_offer)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $make_offer_content .= ' '. ' ' . $offer_details['username'] . ' '. ' ' . $offer_details['quantity'] . ' '. ' ' . $offer_details['amount'] . ' '. ' ' . $item->offer_status($offer_details['accepted']) . ' '. ' ' . $item->offer_options($item_details['auction_id'], $offer_details['offer_id'], $offer_details['accepted'], $can_make_offer, 'auction_offers') . ' '. ' '; } $template->set('make_offer_content', $make_offer_content); } if ($item_details['enable_swap'] && ($item_details['auction_type'] == 'standard' || empty($winning_bids_content))) ## swaps are enabled (for dutch only if no winners) { $sql_select_swaps = $db->query("SELECT s.*, u.username FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "swaps s, " . DB_PREFIX . "users u WHERE s.auction_id='" . $item_details['auction_id'] . "' AND s.seller_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND s.buyer_id=u.user_id"); while ($offer_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_swaps)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $swap_offer_content .= ' '. ' ' . $offer_details['username'] . ' '. ' ' . $offer_details['quantity'] . ' '. ' ' . $offer_details['description'] . ' '. ' ' . $item->offer_status($offer_details['accepted']) . ' '. ' ' . $item->offer_options($item_details['auction_id'], $offer_details['swap_id'], $offer_details['accepted'], $can_make_offer, 'swaps') . ' '. ' '; } $template->set('swap_offer_content', $swap_offer_content); } if ($item_details['closed'] == 1 && $item_details['nb_bids'] > 0 && $item_details['max_bid'] < $item_details['reserve_price'])## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 we have bids on the auction { $sql_select_bids = $db->query("SELECT b.*, u.username FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "bids b, " . DB_PREFIX . "users u WHERE b.auction_id='" . $item_details['auction_id'] . "' AND b.bidder_id=u.user_id"); while ($offer_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_bids)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $reserve_offer_content .= ' '. ' ' . $offer_details['username'] . user_pics($offer_details['bidder_id']) . ' '. ' ' . $offer_details['quantity'] . ' '. ' ' . $offer_details['bid_amount'] . ' '. ' ' . $item->offer_status($offer_details['accepted']) . ' '. ' ' . $item->offer_options($item_details['auction_id'], $offer_details['bid_id'], 0, $can_make_offer, 'bids') . ' '. ' '; } $template->set('reserve_offer_content', $reserve_offer_content); } else if ($setts['enable_second_chance'] && $item_details['nb_bids'] > 0 && $item_details['closed'] == 1) { if ($item_details['closed'] == 1 && $item_details['nb_bids'] > 0 && $item->apply_second_chance($item_details, $session->value('user_id'))) { $sql_select_bids = $db->query("SELECT b.*, u.username FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "bids b, " . DB_PREFIX . "users u WHERE b.auction_id='" . $item_details['auction_id'] . "' AND b.bidder_id=u.user_id AND b.bid_invalid=0 AND b.bidder_id!='" . $item_details['buyer_id'] . "' ORDER BY b.bid_out ASC, b.bid_id DESC"); while ($bid_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_bids)) { $select_winner_link = '[ ' . MSG_SELECT_WINNER . ' ] '; $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $second_chance_content .= ' '. ' ' . $bid_details['username'] . user_pics($bid_details['bidder_id']) . ' '. ' ' . $bid_details['quantity'] . ' '. ' ' . $bid_details['bid_amount'] . ' '. ' ' . $select_winner_link . ' '. ' '; } $template->set('second_chance_content', $second_chance_content); } } $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_selling_view_offers.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } else { $section = 'selling';## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 we redirect } } if ($section == 'rollback') { $auction_id = intval($_REQUEST['auction_id']); $reverse_id = intval($_REQUEST['reverse_id']); $message_header = headercat('' . (($reverse_id) ? MSG_MM_REVERSE_AUCTIONS : MSG_MM_SELLING) . ' - ' . MSG_ROLLBACK_TRANSACTION . ''); $template->set('message_header', $message_header); $template->set('message_content', '


'); $item->rollback_transaction($auction_id, $session->value('user_id'), $reverse_id); $template_output .= $template->process('single_message.tpl.php'); } /* begin -> stats box */ $nb_open_items = $db->count_rows('auctions a', "WHERE a.owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND a.closed=0 AND a.deleted=0 AND a.creation_in_progress=0 AND a.is_draft=0" . $src_auctions_query); $nb_items_bids = $db->count_rows('auctions', "WHERE owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND closed=0 AND deleted=0 AND creation_in_progress=0 AND is_draft=0 AND (nb_bids>0 OR nb_offers>0)"); $nb_scheduled_items = $db->count_rows('auctions', "WHERE closed=1 AND owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND deleted=0 AND creation_in_progress=0 AND is_draft=0 AND end_time>='" . CURRENT_TIME . "'"); $nb_closed_items = $db->count_rows('auctions', "WHERE closed=1 AND owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND deleted=0 AND end_time<='" . CURRENT_TIME . "' AND creation_in_progress=0 AND is_draft=0"); $nb_sold_items = $db->count_rows('winners w', "WHERE w.seller_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND w.s_deleted=0" . $src_transactions_query); $nb_drafts = $db->count_rows('auctions', "WHERE owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND is_draft=1"); $template->set('nb_open_items', $nb_open_items); $template->set('nb_items_bids', $nb_items_bids); $template->set('nb_scheduled_items', $nb_scheduled_items); $template->set('nb_closed_items', $nb_closed_items); $template->set('nb_sold_items', $nb_sold_items); $template->set('nb_drafts', $nb_drafts); $members_area_stats = $template->process('members_area_stats_selling.tpl.php'); if ($page == 'summary') { $summary_page_content['stats_selling'] = $members_area_stats; } else { $template->set('members_area_stats', $members_area_stats); } /* end -> stats box */ if ($section == 'open' || $page == 'summary') { $header_selling_page = headercat('' . MSG_MM_SELLING . ' - ' . MSG_MM_OPEN_AUCTIONS . ''); $nb_items = $nb_open_items; $template->set('header_selling_page', $header_selling_page); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); if ($page == 'summary') { $order_field = 'a.auction_id'; $order_type = 'DESC'; $start = 0; $limit = 5; } else { $template->set('page_order_auction_id', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.auction_id', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_AUCTION_ID)); $template->set('page_order_itemname', page_order('members_area.php', '', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_ITEM_TITLE)); $template->set('page_order_start_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.start_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_START_TIME)); $template->set('page_order_end_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.end_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_END_TIME)); $template->set('page_order_nb_bids', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.nb_bids', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_NR_BIDS)); $template->set('page_order_start_bid', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.start_price', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_START_BID)); $template->set('page_order_max_bid', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.max_bid', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_MAX_BID)); } if ($nb_items) { $force_index = $item->force_index($order_field, true); $sql_select_items = $db->query("SELECT a.*, ao.offer_id, s.swap_id, u.username, u.shop_account_id, u.shop_active, m.message_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a " . $force_index . " LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "auction_offers ao ON ao.auction_id=a.auction_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "swaps s ON s.auction_id=a.auction_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=a.owner_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "messaging m ON m.auction_id=a.auction_id AND m.is_read=0 AND m.sender_id!=a.owner_id WHERE a.owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND a.closed=0 AND a.deleted=0 AND a.creation_in_progress=0 AND a.is_draft=0 " . $src_auctions_query . " GROUP BY a.auction_id ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_items)) { $media_url = $db->get_sql_field("SELECT media_url FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auction_media WHERE auction_id=" . $item_details['auction_id'] . " AND media_type=1 AND upload_in_progress=0 ORDER BY media_id ASC", 'media_url'); $auction_image = (!empty($media_url)) ? $media_url : 'themes/' . $setts['default_theme'] . '/img/system/noimg.gif'; $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $content_options = '' . MSG_SELL_SIMILAR . '
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'; //if (!$item->under_time($item_details)) //{ $content_options .= '' . MSG_DELETE . ''; //} } else if (($item_details['nb_bids']>0 || $item_details['offer_id'] || $item_details['swap_id']) && $item_details['active']==1) { $content_options .= '' . MSG_EDIT_AUCTION . '
'; $content_options .= '' . MSG_DELETE . ''; //$content_options .= '' . MSG_EDIT_DESCRIPTION . '
'; } //if ($item->can_close_manually($item_details, $session->value('user_id'))) //{ $content_options .= '
' . MSG_CLOSE_AUCTION . ''; //} if ($item_details['approved']==0 && $item_details['payment_status'] == 'confirmed') { $content_options .= '

' . MSG_AUCTION_AWAITING_APPROVAL; } $auction_link = process_link('auction_details', array('auction_id' => $item_details['auction_id'])); $open_auctions_content .= ' '. ' ' . $item_details['name'] . ' '. ' # ' . $item_details['auction_id'] . ' '. ' ' . $item_details['name'] . ' ' . $item->relisted_tick($item_details['is_relisted_item']) . $item->new_message_tick($item_details['message_id']) . $item->listed_in($item_details) . (($item_details['offer_id'] || $item_details['swap_id']) ? '
[ ' . MSG_VIEW_AUCTION_OFFERS . ' ]' : '') . ' '. ' ' . show_date($item_details['start_time'], false) . ' '. ' ' . show_date($item_details['end_time'], false) . ''. ' ' . field_display($item_details['nb_bids'], '-', $item_details['nb_bids']) . ''. ' ' . field_display($item_details['auto_relist_nb'], GMSG_NO, GMSG_YES . ' (' . $item_details['auto_relist_nb'] . ')'). ''. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($item_details['start_price'], $item_details['currency']) . ''. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($item_details['max_bid'], $item_details['currency']) . ''. ' ' . $content_options . ''. ''; } } else { $open_auctions_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('open_auctions_content', $open_auctions_content); if ($page != 'summary') { $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); } $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_selling_open.tpl.php'); if ($page == 'summary') { $summary_page_content['selling_open'] = $members_area_page_content; } $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'bids_offers') { $header_selling_page = headercat('' . MSG_MM_SELLING . ' - ' . MSG_MM_OPEN_AUCTIONS . ''); $nb_items = $nb_items_bids; $template->set('header_selling_page', $header_selling_page); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); $template->set('page_order_auction_id', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.auction_id', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_AUCTION_ID)); $template->set('page_order_itemname', page_order('members_area.php', '', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_ITEM_TITLE)); $template->set('page_order_start_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.start_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_START_TIME)); $template->set('page_order_end_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.end_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_END_TIME)); $template->set('page_order_nb_bids', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.nb_bids', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_NR_BIDS)); $template->set('page_order_max_bid', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.max_bid', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_MAX_BID)); if ($nb_items) { $force_index = $item->force_index($order_field, true); $sql_select_items = $db->query("SELECT a.*, ao.offer_id, s.swap_id, u.username, u.shop_account_id, u.shop_active FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a " . $force_index . " LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "auction_offers ao ON ao.auction_id=a.auction_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "swaps s ON s.auction_id=a.auction_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=a.owner_id WHERE a.owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND a.closed=0 AND a.deleted=0 AND a.creation_in_progress=0 AND a.is_draft=0 AND end_time>0 AND (nb_bids>0 OR nb_offers>0) GROUP BY a.auction_id ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_items)) { $media_url = $db->get_sql_field("SELECT media_url FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auction_media WHERE auction_id=" . $item_details['auction_id'] . " AND media_type=1 AND upload_in_progress=0 ORDER BY media_id ASC", 'media_url'); $auction_image = (!empty($media_url)) ? $media_url : 'themes/' . $setts['default_theme'] . '/img/system/noimg.gif'; $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $content_options = '' . MSG_SELL_SIMILAR . '
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'; if (!$item->under_time($item_details)) { $content_options .= '' . MSG_DELETE . ''; } } else if ($item_details['nb_bids']>0 && $item_details['active']==1) { $content_options .= '' . MSG_EDIT_DESCRIPTION . '
'; } if ($item_details['approved']==0 && $item_details['payment_status'] == 'confirmed') { $content_options .= '

' . MSG_AUCTION_AWAITING_APPROVAL; } $auction_link = process_link('auction_details', array('auction_id' => $item_details['auction_id'])); $open_auctions_content .= ' '. ' ' . $item_details['name'] . ' '. ' # ' . $item_details['auction_id'] . ' '. ' ' . $item_details['name'] . ' ' . $item->relisted_tick($item_details['is_relisted_item']) . $item->listed_in($item_details) . (($item_details['offer_id'] || $item_details['swap_id']) ? '
[ ' . MSG_VIEW_AUCTION_OFFERS . ' ]' : '') . ' '. ' ' . show_date($item_details['start_time'], false) . ' '. ' ' . show_date($item_details['end_time'], false) . ''. ' ' . field_display($item_details['nb_bids'], '-', $item_details['nb_bids']) . ''. ' ' . field_display($item_details['auto_relist_nb'], GMSG_NO, GMSG_YES . ' (' . $item_details['auto_relist_nb'] . ')'). ''. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($item_details['start_price'], $item_details['currency']) . ''. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($item_details['max_bid'], $item_details['currency']) . ''. ' ' . $content_options . ''. ''; } } else { $open_auctions_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('open_auctions_content', $open_auctions_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_selling_open.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'scheduled') { $header_selling_page = headercat('' . MSG_MM_SELLING . ' - ' . MSG_MM_SCHEDULED_AUCTIONS . ''); $nb_items = $nb_scheduled_items; $template->set('header_selling_page', $header_selling_page); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); $template->set('page_order_auction_id', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.auction_id', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_AUCTION_ID)); $template->set('page_order_itemname', page_order('members_area.php', '', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_ITEM_TITLE)); $template->set('page_order_start_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.start_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_START_TIME)); $template->set('page_order_end_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.end_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_END_TIME)); $template->set('page_order_nb_bids', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.nb_bids', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_NR_BIDS)); $template->set('page_order_max_bid', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.max_bid', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_MAX_BID)); if ($nb_items) { $force_index = $item->force_index($order_field, true); $sql_select_items = $db->query("SELECT a.*, u.username, u.shop_account_id, u.shop_active FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a " . $force_index . " LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=a.owner_id WHERE a.owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND a.closed=1 AND a.deleted=0 AND a.end_time>'" . CURRENT_TIME . "' AND a.creation_in_progress=0 AND a.is_draft=0 GROUP BY a.auction_id ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_items)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $content_options = '' . MSG_SELL_SIMILAR . '
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' . MSG_AUCTION_AWAITING_APPROVAL; } $scheduled_auctions_content .= ' '. ' # ' . $item_details['auction_id'] . ' '. ' ' . $item_details['name'] . ' ' . $item->listed_in($item_details) . ''. ' ' . show_date($item_details['start_time']) . ' '. ' ' . show_date($item_details['end_time']) . ''. ' ' . field_display($item_details['auto_relist_nb'], GMSG_NO, GMSG_YES . ' (' . $item_details['auto_relist_nb'] . ')'). ''. ' ' . $content_options . ''. ''; } } else { $scheduled_auctions_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('scheduled_auctions_content', $scheduled_auctions_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_selling_scheduled.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'closed') { $header_selling_page = headercat('' . MSG_MM_SELLING . ' - ' . MSG_MM_CLOSED_AUCTIONS . ''); $nb_items = $nb_closed_items; $template->set('header_selling_page', $header_selling_page); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); $template->set('page_order_auction_id', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.auction_id', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_AUCTION_ID)); $template->set('page_order_itemname', page_order('members_area.php', '', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_ITEM_TITLE)); $template->set('page_order_start_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.start_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_START_TIME)); $template->set('page_order_end_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.end_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_END_TIME)); $template->set('page_order_nb_bids', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.nb_bids', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_NR_BIDS)); $template->set('page_order_max_bid', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.max_bid', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_MAX_BID)); if ($nb_items) { $force_index = $item->force_index($order_field, true); $sql_select_items = $db->query("SELECT a.*, ao.offer_id, s.swap_id, w.winner_id, b.bid_id, u.shop_active FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a " . $force_index . " LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=a.owner_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "auction_offers ao ON ao.auction_id=a.auction_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "swaps s ON s.auction_id=a.auction_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "winners w ON w.auction_id=a.auction_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "bids b ON b.auction_id=a.auction_id WHERE a.owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND a.closed=1 AND a.deleted=0 AND a.end_time<='" . CURRENT_TIME . "'AND a.creation_in_progress=0 AND a.is_draft=0 GROUP BY a.auction_id ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_items)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $closed_auctions_content .= ' '. ' # ' . $item_details['auction_id'] . ' '. ' ' . $item_details['name'] . ' ' . (($item_details['winner_id']) ? '' . MSG_ITEM_WAS_SOLD . '' : '') . ' ' . $item->listed_in($item_details) . ((!$item_details['winner_id'] && (($item_details['bid_id'] && $item_details['max_bid'] < $item_details['reserve_price']) || $item_details['offer_id'] || $item_details['swap_id'])) ? '
[ ' . MSG_SELECT_WINNER_MANUALLY . ' ]' : '') . ' '. ' ' . show_date($item_details['start_time'], false) . ' '. ' ' . show_date($item_details['end_time'], false) . ''. ' ' . field_display($item_details['nb_bids'], '-', $item_details['nb_bids']) . ''. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($item_details['max_bid'], $item_details['currency']) . ''. ' '. ' ' . $item->durations_drop_down('duration[' . $item_details['auction_id'] . ']', $item_details['duration']) . ''. ' '. ''; } } else { $closed_auctions_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('closed_auctions_content', $closed_auctions_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_selling_closed.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'drafts') { $header_selling_page = headercat('' . MSG_MM_SELLING . ' - ' . MSG_MM_DRAFTS . ''); $nb_items = $nb_drafts; $template->set('header_selling_page', $header_selling_page); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); $template->set('page_order_auction_id', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.auction_id', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_AUCTION_ID)); $template->set('page_order_itemname', page_order('members_area.php', '', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_ITEM_TITLE)); $template->set('page_order_start_bid', page_order('members_area.php', 'a.start_price', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_START_BID)); if ($nb_items) { $sql_select_items = $db->query("SELECT a.*, u.username, u.shop_account_id, u.shop_active FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=a.owner_id WHERE a.owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND a.is_draft=1 AND a.deleted=0 GROUP BY a.auction_id ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit);## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 uses temporary/filesort while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_items)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $content_options = '' . GMSG_LIST_NOW . '
'; $content_options .= '' . MSG_EDIT_DRAFT . '
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'; if (!$item_details['submitted']) { //$content_options .= '• ' . MSG_LEAVE_COMMENTS . '
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'. ' ' . MSG_OFFERED . ': ' . $item_details['quantity_offered'] . ' '. ' '; if ($item_paid) { $sold_auctions_content .= ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. '
' . MSG_USERNAME . '' . field_display($item_details['username'], GMSG_NA) . '
' . MSG_FULL_NAME . '' . field_display($item_details['name'], GMSG_NA) . '
'; } $sold_auctions_content .= ' '. ' '; if ($item_paid) { $sold_auctions_content .= show_date($item_details['purchase_date']) . '
'. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. '
'; } $sold_auctions_content .= ' '. ' ' . $content_options . ''. ''; if ($item_paid && !empty($item_details['auction_name'])) { if ($item_details['is_dd']) { $link_active = MSG_LINK_ACTIVE . ' · [ ' . MSG_INACTIVATE . ' ]'; $link_inactive = MSG_LINK_INACTIVE . ' · [ ' . MSG_ACTIVATE . ' ]'; $dd_expires = dd_expires($item_details['dd_active_date']); $sold_auctions_content .= ' '. ' ' . MSG_DIGITAL_MEDIA_ATTACHED . ' '. ' ' . MSG_DOWNLOADED . ' ' . $item_details['dd_nb_downloads'] . ' ' . MSG_TIMES . ''. ' ' . (($item_details['dd_active'] && $dd_expires['result']>0) ? $link_active : $link_inactive) . ''. ' ' . MSG_LINK_EXPIRES . ': ' . (($item_details['dd_active']) ? $dd_expires['display'] : GMSG_NA) . ''. ''; } $sold_auctions_content .= ''; if ($item_details['invoice_sent']) { $sold_auctions_content .= '• ' . MSG_INVOICE_SENT . ' [ ' . MSG_ID . ': ' . $item_details['invoice_id'] . ' ] ' . MSG_VIEW_PRODUCT_INVOICE . ' · '. ' ' . MSG_EDIT_PRODUCT_INVOICE . ' · ' . '' . MSG_RESEND_PRODUCT_INVOICE . ''; } else { $sold_auctions_content .= '• ' . MSG_SEND_PRODUCT_INVOICE . ''; } if ($item->apply_second_chance($item_details, $session->value('user_id'))) { $sold_auctions_content .= ' · ' . MSG_SECOND_CHANCE_PURCHASING . ''; } if ($item_details['payer_id'] == $session->value('user_id') && $item->request_refund($item_details['refund_invoice_id'], $item_details['purchase_date'], $item_details['flag_paid'], $item_details['refund_request'])) { $sold_auctions_content .= ' · ' . MSG_REQUEST_EOA_REFUND . ''; } $sold_auctions_content .= ''; } if ($item_details['temp_purchase']) { $sold_auctions_content .= ' '. ' ' . MSG_BUYOUT_FORCE_PAYMENT_ALERT . ' '. ''; } //$sold_auctions_content .= ''; } } else { $sold_auctions_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('sold_auctions_content', $sold_auctions_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link . $show_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_selling_sold.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'invoices_sent') { $nb_items = $db->get_sql_number("SELECT winner_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "winners WHERE invoice_sent=1 AND seller_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' GROUP BY invoice_id"); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); (string) $invoices_sent_content = null; if ($nb_items) { $sql_select_invoices = $db->query("SELECT w.*, u.username FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "winners w LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=w.buyer_id WHERE w.seller_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND w.s_deleted=0 AND w.invoice_sent=1 GROUP BY w.invoice_id ORDER BY w.invoice_id DESC LIMIT " . $start . ", 5"); while ($invoice_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_invoices)) { $invoices_sent_content .= ' '. ' [ ' . MSG_INVOICE_ID . ': ' . $invoice_details['invoice_id'] . ' ]   [ ' . MSG_BUYER_USERNAME . ': ' . $invoice_details['username'] . ' ]'. ' [ ' . MSG_DELETE . ' ]'. ' '; $sql_select_products = $db->query("SELECT w.*,, a.direct_payment, a.currency FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "winners w LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a ON a.auction_id=w.auction_id WHERE w.invoice_id='" . $invoice_details['invoice_id'] . "'"); $invoices_sent_content .= ' '. ' ' . GMSG_DESCRIPTION . ' '. ' ' . GMSG_QUANTITY . ' '. ' ' . GMSG_PRICE_ITEM . ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '; $product_postage = null; $product_insurance = null; while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_products)) { $background = 'c1'; $currency = $item_details['currency']; $product_postage = ($item_details['postage_included']) ? (($item_details['pc_postage_type'] == 'item') ? ($item_details['postage_amount'] + $product_postage) : $item_details['postage_amount']) : 0; $product_insurance += ($item_details['insurance_included']) ? $item_details['insurance_amount'] : 0; $auction_link = process_link('auction_details', array('name' => $item_details['name'], 'auction_id' => $item_details['auction_id'])); $invoices_sent_content .= ' '. ' [ ' . MSG_ID . ': ' . $item_details['auction_id'] . ' ] ' . $item_details['name'] . ' '. ' ' . $item_details['quantity_offered'] . ' '. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($item_details['bid_amount'], $item_details['currency']) . ' '. ' '; } // new postage and insurance tab $invoices_sent_content .= ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' ' . MSG_POSTAGE . ':'. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($product_postage, $currency) . ''. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' ' . MSG_INSURANCE . ':'. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($product_insurance, $currency) . ''. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '; (string) $direct_payment_link = null; $invoices_sent_content .= ' '. ' [ ' . MSG_VIEW_PRODUCT_INVOICE . ' ] · ' . ' [ ' . MSG_EDIT_PRODUCT_INVOICE . ' ] · ' . ' [ ' . MSG_RESEND_PRODUCT_INVOICE . '] ' . $direct_payment_link . ''. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '; } } else { $invoices_sent_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('invoices_sent_content', $invoices_sent_content); $pagination = paginate($start, 5, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_selling_invoices_sent.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'fees_calculator') { $item_details = $_POST; $item_details['currency'] = ($item_details['currency']) ? $item_details['currency'] : $setts['currency']; $item_details['ad_image'] = array(); $item_details['ad_image'][0] = ($item_details['is_image']) ? 'image_placeholder' : ''; $item_details['ad_video'] = array(); $item_details['ad_video'][0] = ($item_details['is_video']) ? 'video_placeholder' : ''; if (isset($_POST['form_save_settings'])) { $setup_fee = new fees(); $setup_fee->setts = &$setts; if ($item_details['start_price'] > 0) { $user_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT user_id, username, shop_account_id, shop_categories, shop_active, preferred_seller, reg_date, country, state, zip_code, balance, default_name, default_description, default_duration, default_hidden_bidding, default_enable_swap, default_shipping_method, default_shipping_int, default_postage_amount, default_insurance_amount, default_type_service, default_shipping_details, default_payment_methods FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $session->value('user_id')); $auction_fees = $setup_fee->auction_setup_fees($item_details, $user_details); $fees_calculator_result = $auction_fees['display']; } else { $fees_calculator_result = '' . MSG_START_PRICE_ERROR . ''; } $template->set('fees_calculator_result', $fees_calculator_result); } $currency_drop_down = $item->currency_drop_down('currency', $item_details['currency'], 'fees_calculator_form'); $template->set('currency_drop_down', $currency_drop_down); $categories_list_menu = categories_list ($item_details['category_id']); $template->set('categories_list_menu', $categories_list_menu); $template->set('item_details', $item_details); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_selling_fees_calculator.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'prefilled_fields') { if (isset($_POST['form_save_settings'])) { $template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved); $item->update_prefilled($_POST, $session->value('user_id')); } $header_selling_page = headercat('' . MSG_MM_SELLING . ' - ' . MSG_MM_PREFILLED_FIELDS . ''); $template->set('header_selling_page', $header_selling_page); $prefilled_fields = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); $template->set('prefilled_fields', $prefilled_fields); $item_description_editor = ""; $template->set('item_description_editor', $item_description_editor); $default_currency = (!empty($prefilled_fields['default_currency'])) ? $prefilled_fields['default_currency'] : $setts['currency']; $template->set('currency_drop_down', $item->currency_drop_down('currency', $default_currency)); $template->set('duration_drop_down', $item->durations_drop_down('duration', $prefilled_fields['default_duration'])); $template->set('shipping_methods_drop_down', $item->shipping_methods_drop_down('default_type_service', $prefilled_fields['default_type_service'])); $direct_payments = $item->select_direct_payment($prefilled_fields['default_direct_payment'], $session->value('user_id')); $direct_payment_table = $template->generate_table($direct_payments, 4, 1, 1, '75%'); $template->set('direct_payment_table', $direct_payment_table); $offline_payments = $item->select_offline_payment($prefilled_fields['default_payment_methods']); $offline_payment_table = $template->generate_table($offline_payments, 4, 1, 1, '75%'); $template->set('offline_payment_table', $offline_payment_table); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_selling_prefilled.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'block_users') { $template->set('do', $_REQUEST['do']); if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'add_user') { $form_submitted = false; if (isset($_POST['form_add_blocked_user'])) { $post_details = $db->rem_special_chars_array($_POST); $is_user = $db->count_rows('users', "WHERE username='" . $post_details['username'] . "'"); if ($is_user) { $form_submitted = true; $blocked_user_id = $db->get_sql_field("SELECT user_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE username='" . $post_details['username'] . "'", 'user_id'); $db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "blocked_users (user_id, owner_id, reg_date, block_reason, show_reason, block_bid, block_message, block_reputation) VALUES ('" . $blocked_user_id . "', '" . $session->value('user_id') . "', '" . CURRENT_TIME . "', '" . $post_details['block_reason'] . "', '" . $post_details['show_reason'] . "', '" . intval($post_details['block_bid']) . "', '" . intval($post_details['block_message']) . "', '" . intval($post_details['block_reputation']) . "')"); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '


'); } else { $display_formcheck_errors = ' '. ' ' . MSG_ERROR_USER_DOESNT_EXIST . ' '. ' '; $template->set('display_formcheck_errors', $display_formcheck_errors); } } if (!$form_submitted) { $template->set('post_details', $post_details); $template->set('block_users_header_message', MSG_ADD_BLOCKED_USER); $block_add_user_content = $template->process('members_area_selling_block_users_add_user.tpl.php'); $template->set('block_add_user_content', $block_add_user_content); } } else if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'edit_user') { $form_submitted = false; if (isset($_POST['form_add_blocked_user'])) { $post_details = $db->rem_special_chars_array($_POST); $form_submitted = true; $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "blocked_users SET block_reason='" . $post_details['block_reason'] . "', show_reason='" . $post_details['show_reason'] . "', block_bid='" . intval($post_details['block_bid']) . "', block_message='" . intval($post_details['block_message']) . "', block_reputation='" . intval($post_details['block_reputation']) . "' WHERE block_id='" . intval($_REQUEST['block_id']) . "' AND owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '


'); } else { $post_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT b.*, u.username FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "blocked_users b LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=b.user_id WHERE b.block_id='" . intval($_REQUEST['block_id']) . "' AND b.owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); } if (!$form_submitted) { $template->set('post_details', $post_details); $template->set('block_users_header_message', MSG_EDIT_BLOCKED_USER); $block_add_user_content = $template->process('members_area_selling_block_users_add_user.tpl.php'); $template->set('block_add_user_content', $block_add_user_content); } } else if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'delete_user') { $db->query("DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "blocked_users WHERE block_id='" . intval($_REQUEST['block_id']) . "' AND owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '


'); } $nb_items = $db->count_rows('blocked_users', "WHERE owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); if ($nb_items) { $sql_select_blocked = $db->query("SELECT b.*, u.username FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "blocked_users b LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=b.user_id WHERE b.owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($block_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_blocked)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $content_options = '[ ' . GMSG_EDIT . ' ] '; $content_options .= '[ ' . MSG_DELETE . ' ]'; $blocked_users_content .= ' '. ' ' . $block_details['username'] . ''. ' ' . $block_details['block_reason'] . ''. ' ' . field_display($block_details['show_reason'], '' . GMSG_NO . '', '' . GMSG_YES . '') . ' '. ' ' . $db->implode_array(block_type($block_details), '; ', true, GMSG_NA) . ''. ' ' . $content_options . ''. ''; } } else { $blocked_users_content = '' . MSG_NO_BLOCKED_USERS . ''; } $template->set('blocked_users_content', $blocked_users_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_selling_block_users.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'postage_setup') { if ($_REQUEST['option'] == 'delete_location') { $db->query("DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "shipping_locations WHERE id='" . intval($_REQUEST['id']) . "' AND user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved); } if (isset($_POST['form_postage_save'])) { $user = new user(); $user->setts = &$setts; $template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved); $user->postage_calc_save($_POST, $session->value('user_id')); } else { $postage_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $session->value('user_id')); } if ($_POST['box_submit'] == 1) { $postage_details = $_POST; } $postage_details['pc_postage_type'] = (in_array($postage_details['pc_postage_type'], array('item', 'weight', 'amount', 'flat'))) ? $postage_details['pc_postage_type'] : 'item'; $template->set('postage_details', $db->rem_special_chars_array($postage_details)); (string) $postage_tiers_table = null; $postage_tiers_table = ' '. ''. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. (($postage_details['pc_postage_calc_type'] == 'custom') ? '' : ''). ' '; if ($postage_details['pc_postage_calc_type'] == 'custom') /* custom postage tiers used */ { $sql_select_tiers = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "postage_calc_tiers WHERE user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND tier_type='" . $postage_details['pc_postage_type'] . "' ORDER BY tier_from ASC"); while ($tier_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_tiers)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $tier_details = convert_amount($tier_details, 'NTS'); $postage_tiers_table .= ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '; } $postage_tiers_table .= ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '; } else /* global postage tiers used */ { $sql_select_tiers = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "postage_calc_tiers WHERE user_id='0' AND tier_type='" . $postage_details['pc_postage_type'] . "' ORDER BY tier_from ASC"); while ($tier_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_tiers)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $tier_details = convert_amount($tier_details, 'NTS'); $postage_tiers_table .= ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '; } } $postage_tiers_table .= '
 ' . (($postage_details['pc_postage_type'] == 'weight') ? GMSG_WEIGHT_FROM : GMSG_AMOUNT_FROM) . '' . (($postage_details['pc_postage_type'] == 'weight') ? GMSG_WEIGHT_TO : GMSG_AMOUNT_TO) . '' . GMSG_AMOUNT . '' . MSG_DELETE . '
' . MSG_ADD_TIER . '
' . $tier_details['tier_from'] . '' . $tier_details['tier_to'] . '' . $tier_details['postage_amount'] . '
'; $template->set('postage_tiers_table', $postage_tiers_table); if ($postage_details['pc_shipping_locations'] == 'local') { $sql_select_shipping_locations = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "shipping_locations WHERE user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' ORDER BY amount ASC"); $shipping_locations_table = null; $tax = new tax(); while ($location_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_shipping_locations)) { $shipping_locations_table .= ''. ' ' . title_resize($tax->display_countries($location_details['locations_id']), 200, true) . ''. ' ' . (($location_details['amount_type'] == 'flat') ? $fees->display_amount($location_details['amount']) : $location_details['amount'] . '%') . ''. //' '. ' [ ' . GMSG_EDIT . ' ]
'. ' [ ' . GMSG_DELETE . ' ]'. ''; } if (empty($shipping_locations_table)) { $shipping_locations_table = '' . MSG_NO_SHIPPING_LOCATIONS_SET . ''; } $template->set('shipping_locations_table', $shipping_locations_table); } $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_selling_postage_setup.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } } /* END -> SELLING PAGES */ if ($page == 'reputation') /* BEGIN -> REPUTATION PAGES */ { $reputation = new reputation(); $reputation->setts = &$setts; if ($section == 'post' || isset($_POST['form_reputation_post'])) { $custom_fld = new custom_field(); $reputation_ids = format_response_integer($_POST['reputation_id'], $_REQUEST['reputation_ids']); $template->set('reputation_ids', $reputation_ids); $sql_select_reputation = $db->query("SELECT r.*, u.username, IF(a.auction_id,, AS auction_name FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "reputation r LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=r.user_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a ON a.auction_id=r.auction_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_auctions rp ON rp.reverse_id=r.reverse_id WHERE r.from_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND r.submitted=0 AND r.reputation_id IN (" . $reputation_ids . ")"); $nb_reputation_rows = $db->num_rows($sql_select_reputation); if ($nb_reputation_rows > 0) { if ($nb_reputation_rows == 1) { $reputation_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_reputation); } else { $reputation_details['username'] = MSG_MULTIPLE_USERS; $reputation_details['auction_name'] = MSG_MULTIPLE_AUCTIONS; } $template->set('reputation_details', $reputation_details); $form_submitted = false; $post_details = $_POST; $custom_fld->save_vars($_POST); $template->set('post_details', $post_details); if (isset($_POST['form_leave_comments'])) /* formchecker code snippet */ { define ('FRMCHK_ITEM', 1); (int) $item_post = 1; $frmchk_details = $post_details; include('includes/procedure_frmchk_reputation.php'); if ($fv->is_error()) { $template->set('display_formcheck_errors', '
' . $fv->display_errors() . ''); } else { $form_submitted = true; $reputation->save($post_details, $session->value('user_id')); $template->set('message_content', '


'); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('single_message.tpl.php'); } } if (!$form_submitted) { $custom_fld->new_table = false; $custom_fld->field_colspan = 1; $page_handle = $reputation->cf_page_handle($reputation_details); $custom_sections_table = $custom_fld->display_sections($post_details, $page_handle, false, $reputation_details['reputation_id']); $template->set('custom_sections_table', $custom_sections_table); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_reputation_post.tpl.php'); } } else { $template->set('message_content', '


'); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('single_message.tpl.php'); } $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'received') { $nb_items = $db->count_rows('reputation', "WHERE user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND submitted=1"); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); if ($nb_items) { $sql_select_reputation = $db->query("SELECT r.*, u.username FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "reputation r LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=r.from_id WHERE r.user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND r.submitted=1 ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($reputation_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_reputation)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $reputation_received_content .= ' '. ' ' . $reputation_details['username'] . ' '. ' ' . $reputation->rep_rate($reputation_details['reputation_rate']) . ''. ' ' . show_date($reputation_details['reg_date'], false) . ' '. ' ' . $reputation_details['reputation_content'] . ' '. ' [ ' . GMSG_VIEW . ' ] '. ' ' . $reputation->reputation_type($reputation_details) . ' '. ''; } } else { $reputation_received_content = '' . GMSG_NO_COMMENTS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('reputation_received_content', $reputation_received_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_reputation_received.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'sent') { $sql_nb_items = $db->query("SELECT r.reputation_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "reputation r LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a ON a.auction_id=r.auction_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_auctions rp ON rp.reverse_id=r.reverse_id WHERE r.from_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND r.submitted=0 AND (a.auction_id!=0 OR rp.reverse_id!=0)"); $nb_items = $db->num_rows($sql_nb_items); $template->set('nb_items', intval($nb_items)); $nb_auction_items = 0; if ($nb_items) { $sql_select_reputation = $db->query("SELECT r.*, u.username, IF(a.auction_id,, AS auction_name FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "reputation r LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=r.user_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a ON a.auction_id=r.auction_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_auctions rp ON rp.reverse_id=r.reverse_id WHERE r.from_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND r.submitted=0 AND (a.auction_id!=0 OR rp.reverse_id!=0) ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($reputation_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_reputation)) { if ($reputation_details['auction_id']) { $nb_auction_items++; } $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; if ($reputation_details['reverse_id']) { $auction_link = process_link('reverse_details', array('reverse_id' => $reputation_details['reverse_id'])); $auction_id = $reputation_details['reverse_id']; //$rep_link = '[ ' . MSG_LEAVE_COMMENTS . ' ]'; } else { $auction_link = process_link('auction_details', array('auction_id' => $reputation_details['auction_id'])); $auction_id = $reputation_details['auction_id']; $rep_link = ''; } $reputation_sent_content .= ' '. ' ' . $reputation_details['username'] . ' '. ' ' . $auction_id . ' '. ' ' . $reputation_details['auction_name'] . ''. ' ' . $reputation->reputation_type($reputation_details) . ' '. ' ' . $rep_link . ''. ''; } } else { $reputation_sent_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('nb_auction_items', $nb_auction_items); $template->set('reputation_sent_content', $reputation_sent_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_reputation_sent.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } } /* END -> REPUTATION PAGES */ if ($page == 'bulk') /* BEGIN -> BULK PAGE(S) */ { if ($section == 'details') { $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_bulk_details.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } } /* END -> BULK PAGE(S) */ if ($page == 'about_me') /* BEGIN -> ABOUT ME PAGE(S) */ { if ($section == 'view') { $shop = new shop(); if (isset($_POST['form_aboutme_save'])) { $shop->save_aboutme($_POST, $session->value('user_id')); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved); } $user_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT user_id, username, email, enable_aboutme_page, aboutme_page_content, shop_account_id, shop_active FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $session->value('user_id')); $template->set('user_details', $user_details); $shop_status = $shop->shop_status($user_details); $template->set('shop_status', $shop_status); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_aboutme_view.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'profile' && $setts['enable_profile_page']) { if (isset($_POST['form_profile_save'])) { $post_details = $db->rem_special_chars_array($_POST); $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET enable_profile_page='" . $post_details['enable_profile_page'] . "', profile_www='" . $post_details['profile_www'] . "', profile_msn='" . $post_details['profile_msn'] . "', profile_icq='" . $post_details['profile_icq'] . "', profile_aim='" . $post_details['profile_aim'] . "', profile_yim='" . $post_details['profile_yim'] . "', profile_skype='" . $post_details['profile_skype'] . "', profile_show_birthdate='" . $post_details['profile_show_birthdate'] . "' WHERE user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved); } $user_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $session->value('user_id')); $template->set('user_details', $user_details); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_aboutme_profile.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } } /* END -> ABOUT ME PAGE(S) */ if ($page == 'store') /* BEGIN -> STORE SETUP PAGES */ { $shop = new shop(); $shop->setts = &$setts; $shop->user_id = $session->value('user_id'); if ($section == 'subscription') { $show_page = true; if (isset($_POST['form_shop_save'])) { define ('FRMCHK_STORE_SETUP', 1); $frmchk_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $session->value('user_id')); $frmchk_store_settings = true; include ('includes/procedure_frmchk_store_setup.php'); /* Formchecker for store setup pages */ if ($fv->is_error()) { $template->set('display_formcheck_errors', $fv->display_errors()); } else { $subscription_output = $shop->shop_save_subscription($_POST, $session->value('user_id')); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', $subscription_output['display']); $show_page = $subscription_output['show_page']; } } if ($show_page) { $user_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $session->value('user_id')); $template->set('user_details', $user_details); $shop_status = $shop->shop_status($user_details, true); $template->set('shop_status', $shop_status); $template->set('list_store_subscriptions', $shop->store_subscriptions_drop_down('shop_account_id', $user_details['shop_account_id'])); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_store_subscription.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } } if ($section == 'setup') { if (isset($_POST['form_shop_save'])) { define ('FRMCHK_STORE_SETUP', 1); $frmchk_details = $_POST; $frmchk_store_settings = true; include ('includes/procedure_frmchk_store_setup.php'); /* Formchecker for store setup pages */ if ($fv->is_error()) { $template->set('display_formcheck_errors', $fv->display_errors()); } else { $template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved); $shop->shop_save_settings($_POST, $session->value('user_id')); } $user_details = $_POST; } else { $user_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $session->value('user_id')); } $item->setts['max_images'] = 1; $post_details = $_POST; if ($_POST['box_submit'] == 1) { $user_details = $post_details; } $post_details['auction_id'] = 'store_logo_' . $session->value('user_id'); $post_details['ad_image'][0] = (!empty($_POST['ad_image'][0])) ? $_POST['ad_image'][0] : $user_details['shop_logo_path']; if (empty($_POST['file_upload_type'])) { $template->set('media_upload_fields', $item->upload_manager($post_details)); } else if (is_numeric($_POST['file_upload_id'])) /* means we remove a file / media url */ { $media_upload = $item->media_removal($post_details, $post_details['file_upload_type'], $post_details['file_upload_id'], false); $media_upload_fields = $media_upload['display_output']; $post_details['ad_image'] = $media_upload['post_details']['ad_image']; $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET shop_logo_path='' WHERE user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); $template->set('media_upload_fields', $media_upload_fields); } else /* means we have a file upload */ { $media_upload = $item->media_upload($post_details, $post_details['file_upload_type'], $_FILES, false); $media_upload_fields = $media_upload['display_output']; $post_details['ad_image'] = $media_upload['post_details']['ad_image']; $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET shop_logo_path='" . $post_details['ad_image'][0] . "' WHERE user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); $template->set('media_upload_fields', $media_upload_fields); } $template->set('user_details', $db->rem_special_chars_array($user_details)); $image_upload_manager = $item->upload_manager($post_details, 1, 'form_store_setup', true, true, false); $template->set('image_upload_manager', $image_upload_manager); $template->set('store_templates_drop_down', $shop->store_templates_drop_down('shop_template_id', $user_details['shop_template_id'])); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_store_setup.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'store_pages') { if (isset($_POST['form_shop_save'])) { define ('FRMCHK_STORE_SETUP', 1); $frmchk_details = $_POST; $frmchk_store_pages = true; include ('includes/procedure_frmchk_store_setup.php'); /* Formchecker for store setup pages */ if ($fv->is_error()) { $template->set('display_formcheck_errors', $fv->display_errors()); } else { $template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved); $shop->shop_save_pages($_POST, $session->value('user_id')); } $user_details = $db->rem_special_chars_array($_POST); } else { $user_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $session->value('user_id')); } $template->set('user_details', $user_details); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_store_pages.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'categories') { $parent_id = intval($_REQUEST['parent_id']); if (isset($_POST['form_save_settings'])) { $session->set('category_language', 1); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved); if (count($_POST['category_id']) > 0) { foreach ($_POST['category_id'] as $key => $value) { $order_id = intval($_POST['order_id'][$key]); $order_id = ($order_id>=0 && $order_id<10000) ? $order_id : 10000; $sql_update_categories = $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "categories SET name='" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['name'][$key]) . "', order_id=" . $order_id . " WHERE category_id=" . $value . " AND user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); } } if (count($_POST['delete'])>0) { $delete_array = $db->implode_array($_POST['delete']); $sql_delete_categories = $db->query("DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "categories WHERE category_id IN (" . $delete_array . ")");## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 all the subcategories need to be deleted as well. } foreach ($_POST['add_name'] as $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $sql_insert_category = $db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "categories (name, parent_id, user_id) VALUES ('" . $db->rem_special_chars($value) . "', " . $parent_id . ", '" . $session->value('user_id') . "')"); } } } if (isset($_POST['form_generate_subcategories']) || $_REQUEST['generate_subcategories'] == 1) { (array) $subcat_ids_array = NULL; $template->set('msg_changes_saved', '


'); $sql_reset_subcategories = $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "categories SET is_subcat=''"); $sql_select_subcategories = $db->query("SELECT parent_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "categories WHERE parent_id>0"); while ($subcat_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_subcategories)) { $subcat_ids_array[] = $subcat_details['parent_id']; } if (count($subcat_ids_array) > 0) { $subcat_ids = $db->implode_array($subcat_ids_array); $sql_update_subcategories = $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "categories SET is_subcat='>' WHERE category_id IN (" . $subcat_ids . ")"); }## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 here we delete all subcategories that have no parent anymore $delete_subcats = 1; while ($delete_subcats) { (array) $subcategory = null; $sql_select_obsolete_cats = $db->query_silent("SELECT c.category_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "categories c WHERE (SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "categories cc WHERE cc.category_id=c.parent_id)=0 AND c.parent_id!=0"); $delete_subcats = 0; if ($sql_select_obsolete_cats) { while ($subcat_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_obsolete_cats)) { $delete_subcats = 1; $subcategory[] = $subcat_details['category_id']; } if ($delete_subcats) { $delete_array = $db->implode_array($subcategory); $db->query("DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "categories WHERE category_id IN (" . $delete_array . ")"); } } else { ## delete obsolete cats using the old slower version $sql_select_subcats = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "categories WHERE parent_id!=0"); while ($subcat_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_subcats)) { $is_maincat = $db->count_rows('categories', "WHERE category_id='" . $subcat_details['parent_id'] . "'"); if ($is_maincat == 0) { $db->query("DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "categories WHERE parent_id='" . $subcat_details['parent_id'] . "'"); } } } } } if (isset($_POST['form_shop_save'])) { $template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved); $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET shop_categories = '" . $db->implode_array($_POST['categories_id']) . "' WHERE user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); $user_details = $_POST; } else { $user_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $session->value('user_id')); } $template->set('parent_id', $parent_id); $template->set('category_navigator', category_navigator($parent_id, true, true, 'members_area.php', 'page=store§ion=categories')); (string) $categories_page_content = NULL; (string) $add_category_content = NULL; $sql_select_categories = $db->query("SELECT category_id, name, parent_id, order_id, hidden, custom_fees, user_id, is_subcat FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "categories WHERE parent_id=" . $parent_id . " AND user_id=" . $session->value('user_id') . " ORDER BY order_id ASC, name ASC"); while ($category_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_categories)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $background_border = (!empty($category_details['is_subcat'])) ? 'grey' : $background; $order_value = ($category_details['order_id']>0 && $category_details['order_id']<1000) ? $category_details['order_id'] : ''; $categories_page_content .= ' '. ' '. ' ' . AMSG_VIEW_SUBCATEGORIES . ' '. ' ' ; $categories_page_content .= ' '; $categories_page_content .= ' '. ' '. ' '; $categories_page_content .= ' '. ' '; } (int) $add_cats_counter = 1; $add_category_content = ' '. '   '. ' '; for ($i=0; $i<$add_cats_counter; $i++) { $add_category_content .= '
'; } $add_category_content .='' . '   '; $add_category_content .= '  '. ' '; $template->set('categories_page_content', $categories_page_content); $template->set('add_category_content', $add_category_content); (string) $all_categories_table = null; (string) $selected_categories_table = null; $selected_categories = (!empty($user_details['shop_categories'])) ? $user_details['shop_categories'] : 0; $selected_categories = (is_array($_POST['categories_id'])) ? $db->implode_array($_POST['categories_id']) : $selected_categories; $selected_categories = last_char($selected_categories); $sql_select_all_categories = $db->query("SELECT category_id, name FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "categories WHERE parent_id=0 AND user_id IN (0, " . $session->value('user_id') . ") AND category_id NOT IN (" . $selected_categories . ") ORDER BY order_id ASC, name ASC"); $all_categories_table = ''; $sql_select_selected_categories = $db->query("SELECT category_id, name FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "categories WHERE parent_id=0 AND user_id IN (0, " . $session->value('user_id') . ") AND category_id IN (" . $selected_categories . ") ORDER BY order_id ASC, name ASC"); $selected_categories_table =''; $template->set('all_categories_table', $all_categories_table); $template->set('selected_categories_table', $selected_categories_table); $template->set('user_details', $user_details); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_store_categories.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } } /* END -> STORE SETUP PAGES */ if ($page == 'wanted_ads') /* BEGIN -> WANTED ADS PAGE(S) */ { if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'closed_wa_proceed') { $nb_relists = $item->count_contents($_REQUEST['relist']); $nb_deletions = $item->count_contents($_REQUEST['delete']); if ($nb_relists > 0) { for ($i=0; $i<$nb_relists; $i++) { $relist_id = $_REQUEST['relist'][$i]; $relist_result = $item->relist_wanted_ad($relist_id, $session->value('user_id'), $_REQUEST['duration'][$relist_id]); $relist_output[] = $relist_result['display']; } $template->set('msg_auction_relist', '

' . $db->implode_array($relist_output, '
') . '

'); } if ($nb_deletions > 0) { $item->delete_wanted_ad($db->implode_array($_REQUEST['delete']), $session->value('user_id')); } } if ($section == 'new') { header_redirect(SITE_PATH . 'wanted_manage.php'); } if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'delete_wanted_ad') { $item->delete_wanted_ad($_REQUEST['wanted_ad_id'], $session->value('user_id')); } if ($section == 'open') { $nb_items = $db->count_rows('wanted_ads', "WHERE owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND closed=0 AND deleted=0 AND creation_in_progress=0"); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); $template->set('page_order_wanted_ad_id', page_order('members_area.php', 'w.wanted_ad_id', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_WANTED_AD_ID)); $template->set('page_order_itemname', page_order('members_area.php', '', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_ITEM_TITLE)); $template->set('page_order_start_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'w.start_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_START_TIME)); $template->set('page_order_end_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'w.end_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_END_TIME)); if ($nb_items) { $sql_select_items = $db->query("SELECT w.* FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "wanted_ads w WHERE w.owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND w.closed=0 AND w.deleted=0 AND w.creation_in_progress=0 ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_items)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; (string) $content_options = null; if ($item_details['payment_status']!='confirmed' && $item_details['active']==0) { $content_options .= '' . MSG_PAY_WA_SETUP_FEE . ''; } else { $content_options .= '' . MSG_EDIT_WANTED_AD . '
'; $content_options .= '' . MSG_DELETE . ''; } $open_wanted_ads_content .= ' '. ' # ' . $item_details['wanted_ad_id'] . ' '. ' ' . $item_details['name'] . ''. ' ' . show_date($item_details['start_time'], false) . ' '. ' ' . show_date($item_details['end_time'], false) . ''. ' ' . $content_options . ''. ''; } } else { $open_wanted_ads_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('open_wanted_ads_content', $open_wanted_ads_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_wanted_ads_open.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'closed') { $nb_items = $db->count_rows('wanted_ads', "WHERE owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND closed=1 AND deleted=0 AND end_time<='" . CURRENT_TIME . "' AND creation_in_progress=0"); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); $template->set('page_order_wanted_ad_id', page_order('members_area.php', 'w.wanted_ad_id', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_WANTED_AD_ID)); $template->set('page_order_itemname', page_order('members_area.php', '', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_ITEM_TITLE)); $template->set('page_order_start_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'w.start_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_START_TIME)); $template->set('page_order_end_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'w.end_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_END_TIME)); $template->set('page_order_nb_bids', page_order('members_area.php', 'w.nb_bids', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_OFFERS)); if ($nb_items) { $sql_select_items = $db->query("SELECT w.* FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "wanted_ads w WHERE w.owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND w.closed=1 AND w.deleted=0 AND w.end_time<='" . CURRENT_TIME . "'AND w.creation_in_progress=0 ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_items)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $closed_wanted_ads_content .= ' '. ' # ' . $item_details['wanted_ad_id'] . ' '. ' ' . $item_details['name'] . ''. ' ' . show_date($item_details['start_time'], false) . ' '. ' ' . show_date($item_details['end_time'], false) . ''. ' ' . field_display($item_details['nb_bids'], '-', $item_details['nb_bids']) . ''. ' '. ' ' . $item->durations_drop_down('duration[' . $item_details['wanted_ad_id'] . ']', $item_details['duration']) . ''. ' '. ''; } } else { $closed_wanted_ads_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('closed_wanted_ads_content', $closed_wanted_ads_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_wanted_ads_closed.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } } /* END -> WANTED ADS PAGE(S) */ if ($page == 'reverse') /* BEGIN -> REVERSE AUCTIONS PAGE(S) */ { if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'closed_reverse_proceed') { $nb_relists = $item->count_contents($_REQUEST['relist']); $nb_deletions = $item->count_contents($_REQUEST['delete']); if ($nb_relists > 0) { for ($i=0; $i<$nb_relists; $i++) { $relist_id = intval($_REQUEST['relist'][$i]); $relist_result = $item->relist_reverse($relist_id, $session->value('user_id'), intval($_REQUEST['duration'][$relist_id])); $relist_output[] = $relist_result['display']; } $template->set('msg_auction_relist', '

' . $db->implode_array($relist_output, '
') . '

'); } if ($nb_deletions > 0) { $item->delete_reverse($db->implode_array($_REQUEST['delete']), $session->value('user_id')); } } if ($section == 'new_auction') { header_redirect(SITE_PATH . 'reverse_manage.php'); } if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'delete_reverse') { $item->delete_reverse(intval($_REQUEST['reverse_id']), $session->value('user_id')); } if ($section == 'open') { $nb_items = $db->count_rows('reverse_auctions', "WHERE owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND closed=0 AND deleted=0 AND creation_in_progress=0"); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); $template->set('page_order_reverse_id', page_order('members_area.php', 'r.reverse_id', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_AUCTION_ID)); $template->set('page_order_itemname', page_order('members_area.php', '', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_ITEM_TITLE)); $template->set('page_order_start_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'r.start_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_START_TIME)); $template->set('page_order_end_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'r.end_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_END_TIME)); if ($nb_items) { $sql_select_items = $db->query("SELECT r.* FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_auctions r WHERE r.owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND r.closed=0 AND r.deleted=0 AND r.creation_in_progress=0 ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_items)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; (string) $content_options = null; if ($item_details['payment_status']!='confirmed' && $item_details['active']==0) { $content_options .= '' . MSG_PAY_REVERSE_SETUP_FEE . ''; } else { $content_options .= '' . MSG_EDIT_AUCTION . '
'; $content_options .= '' . MSG_DELETE . ''; } $open_reverse_content .= ' '. ' # ' . $item_details['reverse_id'] . ' '. ' ' . $item_details['name'] . ''. ' ' . field_display($item_details['nb_bids'], '-', $item_details['nb_bids']) . ''. ' ' . show_date($item_details['start_time'], false) . ' '. ' ' . show_date($item_details['end_time'], false) . ''. ' ' . $content_options . ''. ''; } } else { $open_reverse_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('open_reverse_content', $open_reverse_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_reverse_open.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'closed') { $nb_items = $db->count_rows('reverse_auctions', "WHERE owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND closed=1 AND deleted=0 AND end_time<='" . CURRENT_TIME . "' AND creation_in_progress=0"); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); $template->set('page_order_reverse_id', page_order('members_area.php', 'r.reverse_id', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_AUCTION_ID)); $template->set('page_order_itemname', page_order('members_area.php', '', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_ITEM_TITLE)); $template->set('page_order_start_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'r.start_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_START_TIME)); $template->set('page_order_end_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'r.end_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_END_TIME)); $template->set('page_order_nb_bids', page_order('members_area.php', 'r.nb_bids', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_OFFERS)); if ($nb_items) { $sql_select_items = $db->query("SELECT r.* FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_auctions r WHERE r.owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND r.closed=1 AND r.deleted=0 AND r.end_time<='" . CURRENT_TIME . "'AND r.creation_in_progress=0 ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_items)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $closed_reverse_content .= ' '. ' # ' . $item_details['reverse_id'] . ' '. ' ' . $item_details['name'] . ''. ' ' . show_date($item_details['start_time'], false) . ' '. ' ' . show_date($item_details['end_time'], false) . ''. ' ' . field_display($item_details['nb_bids'], '-', $item_details['nb_bids']) . ''. ' '. ' ' . $item->durations_drop_down('duration[' . $item_details['reverse_id'] . ']', $item_details['duration']) . ''. ' '. ''; } } else { $closed_reverse_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('closed_reverse_content', $closed_reverse_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_reverse_closed.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'scheduled') { $nb_items = $db->count_rows('reverse_auctions', "WHERE closed=1 AND owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND deleted=0 AND creation_in_progress=0 AND end_time>='" . CURRENT_TIME . "'"); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); $template->set('page_order_auction_id', page_order('members_area.php', 'r.reverse_id', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_AUCTION_ID)); $template->set('page_order_itemname', page_order('members_area.php', '', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_ITEM_TITLE)); $template->set('page_order_start_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'r.start_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_START_TIME)); $template->set('page_order_end_time', page_order('members_area.php', 'r.end_time', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_END_TIME)); if ($nb_items) { $force_index = $item->force_index($order_field, true); $sql_select_items = $db->query("SELECT r.*, u.username FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_auctions r " . $force_index . " LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=r.owner_id WHERE r.owner_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND r.closed=1 AND r.deleted=0 AND r.end_time>'" . CURRENT_TIME . "' AND r.creation_in_progress=0 GROUP BY r.reverse_id ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_items)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; (string) $content_options = null; if ($item_details['payment_status']!='confirmed' && $item_details['active']==0) { $content_options .= '' . MSG_PAY_REVERSE_SETUP_FEE . ''; } else { $content_options .= '' . MSG_EDIT_AUCTION . '
'; $content_options .= '' . MSG_DELETE . ''; } $scheduled_reverse_content .= ' '. ' # ' . $item_details['reverse_id'] . ' '. ' ' . $item_details['name'] . ''. ' ' . show_date($item_details['start_time']) . ' '. ' ' . show_date($item_details['end_time']) . ''. ' ' . $content_options . ''. ''; } } else { $scheduled_reverse_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('scheduled_reverse_content', $scheduled_reverse_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_reverse_scheduled.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'awarded') { $nb_items = $db->count_rows('reverse_winners w', "WHERE w.poster_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND w.b_deleted=0"); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); $template->set('page_order_auction_id', page_order('members_area.php', 'r.reverse_id', $start, $limit, $additional_vars . $show_link, MSG_AUCTION_ID)); $template->set('page_order_itemname', page_order('members_area.php', '', $start, $limit, $additional_vars . $show_link, MSG_ITEM_TITLE)); $template->set('page_order_bid_amount', page_order('members_area.php', 'w.bid_amount', $start, $limit, $additional_vars . $show_link, MSG_WINNING_BID)); $template->set('page_order_purchase_date', page_order('members_area.php', 'w.purchase_date', $start, $limit, $additional_vars . $show_link, MSG_PURCHASE_DATE)); if ($nb_items) { $sql_select_awarded = $db->query("SELECT w.*, b.bid_id, AS auction_name, r.currency, r.category_id, u.username,, rp.submitted, rp.reputation_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_winners w LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_auctions r ON r.reverse_id=w.reverse_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=w.provider_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_bids b ON b.winner_id=w.winner_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "reputation rp ON rp.from_id=w.poster_id AND rp.reverse_winner_id=w.winner_id WHERE w.poster_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND w.b_deleted=0 " . $search_filter . " GROUP BY w.winner_id ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); $reverse_fee = new fees(true); $reverse_fee->setts = &$setts; while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_awarded)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $reverse_fee->set_fees($item_details['poster_id'], $item_details['category_id']);## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 by default the seller will pay $item_paid = ($item_details['active'] == 1 && $item_details['payment_status'] == 'confirmed') ? 1 : 0; if ($item_paid) { $content_options = '• ' . MSG_PMB . '
'; if (!$item_details['submitted']) { //$content_options .= '• ' . MSG_LEAVE_COMMENTS . '
'; } } else { if (eregi('b', $sale_fee->fee['endauction_fee_applies'])) { $content_options = '• ' . MSG_PAY_ENDAUCTION_FEE . ''; } else { $content_options = '• ' . MSG_ENDAUCTION_FEE_NOT_PAID; } } $reverse_awarded_content .= ' '. ' # ' . $item_details['reverse_id'] . ' - '. ' ' . field_display($item_details['auction_name'], MSG_AUCTION_DELETED) . ''. ' '. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($item_details['bid_amount'], $item_details['currency']) . ''. ' '; if ($item_paid) { $reverse_awarded_content .= ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. '
' . MSG_USERNAME . '' . field_display($item_details['username'], GMSG_NA) . '
' . MSG_FULL_NAME . '' . field_display($item_details['name'], GMSG_NA) . '
'; } $reverse_awarded_content .= ' '. ' '; if ($item_paid) { $reverse_awarded_content .= ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. '
' . show_date($item_details['purchase_date']) . '
' . $item->flag_paid($item_details['flag_paid'], $item_details['direct_payment_paid']) . '
'; } $reverse_awarded_content .= ' '. ' ' . $content_options . ''. ''; $reverse_awarded_content .= ' '. ' '. ''; } } else { $reverse_awarded_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('reverse_awarded_content', $reverse_awarded_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link . $show_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_reverse_awarded.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'my_bids') { $header_bidding_page = headercat('' . MSG_MM_REVERSE_AUCTIONS . ' - ' . MSG_MM_MY_BIDS . ''); $nb_bids = $db->get_sql_field("SELECT count(*) AS nb_bids FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_bids b, " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_auctions r WHERE b.bidder_id=" . $session->value('user_id') . " AND r.reverse_id=b.reverse_id AND AND r.closed=0 AND r.deleted=0", 'nb_bids'); $template->set('nb_bids', $nb_bids); $template->set('page_order_auction_id', page_order('members_area.php', 'r.reverse_id', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_AUCTION_ID)); $template->set('page_order_itemname', page_order('members_area.php', '', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_ITEM_TITLE)); $template->set('page_order_bid_amount', page_order('members_area.php', 'b.bid_amount', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, MSG_BID_AMOUNT)); $template->set('page_order_bid_date', page_order('members_area.php', 'b.bid_date', $start, $limit, $additional_vars, GMSG_DATE)); if ($nb_bids) { $sql_select_bids = $db->query("SELECT b.*, AS bid_active, b.payment_status AS bid_payment_status, r.* FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_bids b, " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_auctions r WHERE b.bidder_id=" . $session->value('user_id') . " AND r.reverse_id=b.reverse_id AND AND r.closed=0 AND r.deleted=0 ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); while ($bid_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_bids)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $auction_link = process_link('reverse_details', array('reverse_id' => $bid_details['reverse_id'])); $item_paid = ($bid_details['bid_active'] == 1 && $bid_details['bid_payment_status'] == 'confirmed') ? 1 : 0; $content_options = ($item_paid) ? $item->reverse_bid_status($bid_details['bid_status']) : '' . MSG_PAY_ENDAUCTION_FEE . ''; /*$current_bids_content .= ' '. ' # ' . $bid_details['reverse_id'] . ' '. ' ' . $bid_details['name'] . ''. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($bid_details['bid_amount'], $bid_details['currency']) . ' '. ' ' . show_date($bid_details['bid_date']) . ''. ' ' . $content_options . ''. ''; */ $current_bids_content .= ''; } } else { $current_bids_content = '' . GMSG_NO_BIDS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('current_bids_content', $current_bids_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_bids, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_reverse_my_bids.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'my_profile') { $custom_fld = new custom_field(); $page_handle = 'provider_profile'; $frmchk_error = false; $custom_fld->save_edit_vars($session->value('user_id'), 'provider_profile'); $item->setts['max_images'] = $setts['max_portfolio_files']; if (isset($_POST['form_profile_save']) || $_POST['box_submit'] == 1) { $user_details = $_POST; } else { $user_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT user_id, provider_profile FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $session->value('user_id')); $user_details['profile_id'] = $user_details['user_id']; ## retrieve profile images $media_details = $item->get_media_values($user_details['user_id'], false, false, true); $user_details['ad_image'] = $media_details['ad_image']; $user_details['ad_video'] = $media_details['ad_video']; $user_details['ad_dd'] = $media_details['ad_dd']; } if (isset($_POST['form_profile_save'])) { $custom_fld->save_vars($_POST); define ('FRMCHK_ITEM', 1); $frmchk_details = $_POST; include ('includes/procedure_frmchk_provider_profile.php'); /* Formchecker for reverse auction creation/edit */ if ($fv->is_error()) { $template->set('display_formcheck_errors', $fv->display_errors()); $frmchk_error = true; } else { $form_submitted = true; $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET provider_profile='" . $db->rem_special_chars($_POST['provider_profile']) . "' WHERE user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); $custom_fld->update_page_data($session->value('user_id'), $page_handle, $_POST); $template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved); } } $custom_fld->new_table = false; $custom_fld->field_colspan = 2; $custom_sections_table = $custom_fld->display_sections($user_details, $page_handle); $template->set('custom_sections_table', $custom_sections_table); if (empty($_POST['file_upload_type'])) { $template->set('media_upload_fields', $item->upload_manager($user_details)); } else if (is_numeric($_POST['file_upload_id'])) /* means we remove a file / media url */ { $media_upload = $item->media_removal($user_details, $user_details['file_upload_type'], $user_details['file_upload_id']); $media_upload_fields = $media_upload['display_output']; $user_details['ad_image'] = $media_upload['post_details']['ad_image']; $user_details['ad_video'] = $media_upload['post_details']['ad_video']; $user_details['ad_dd'] = $media_upload['post_details']['ad_dd']; $template->set('media_upload_fields', $media_upload_fields); } else /* means we have a file upload */ { $media_upload = $item->media_upload($user_details, $user_details['file_upload_type'], $_FILES); $media_upload_fields = $media_upload['display_output']; $user_details['ad_image'] = $media_upload['post_details']['ad_image']; $user_details['ad_video'] = $media_upload['post_details']['ad_video']; $user_details['ad_dd'] = $media_upload['post_details']['ad_dd']; $template->set('media_upload_fields', $media_upload_fields); }## <> media upload sequence $image_upload_manager = $item->upload_manager($user_details, 1, 'form_provider_profile', true, false, false); $template->set('image_upload_manager', $image_upload_manager); $template->set('user_details', $user_details); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_reverse_profile.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } if ($section == 'won') { if (isset($_REQUEST['form_update_winner_status'])) { $dd_active = (intval($_REQUEST['flag_paid']) == 1) ? 1 : 0; $current_time = ($dd_active) ? CURRENT_TIME : 0; $update_force_payment = (intval($_REQUEST['flag_paid']) == 1) ? ", temp_purchase=0" : ''; $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_winners SET flag_paid='" . intval($_REQUEST['flag_paid']) . "' WHERE winner_id='" . intval($_REQUEST['winner_id']) . "' AND provider_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); } $nb_items = $db->count_rows('reverse_winners w', "WHERE w.provider_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND w.b_deleted=0"); $template->set('nb_items', $nb_items); $template->set('page_order_auction_id', page_order('members_area.php', 'w.reverse_id', $start, $limit, $additional_vars . $show_link, MSG_AUCTION_ID)); $template->set('page_order_itemname', page_order('members_area.php', '', $start, $limit, $additional_vars . $show_link, MSG_ITEM_TITLE)); $template->set('page_order_bid_amount', page_order('members_area.php', 'w.bid_amount', $start, $limit, $additional_vars . $show_link, MSG_WINNING_BID)); $template->set('page_order_purchase_date', page_order('members_area.php', 'w.purchase_date', $start, $limit, $additional_vars . $show_link, MSG_PURCHASE_DATE)); if ($nb_items) { $sql_select_won = $db->query("SELECT w.*, b.bid_id, AS auction_name, r.currency, r.category_id, u.username,, rp.submitted, rp.reputation_id, m.message_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_winners w LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_auctions r ON r.reverse_id=w.reverse_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=w.poster_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "reverse_bids b ON b.winner_id=w.winner_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "reputation rp ON rp.from_id=w.provider_id AND rp.reverse_winner_id=w.winner_id LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "messaging m ON m.reverse_id=w.reverse_id AND m.is_read=0 AND m.sender_id!=w.provider_id WHERE w.provider_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "' AND w.b_deleted=0 GROUP BY w.winner_id ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit); $reverse_fee = new fees(true); $reverse_fee->setts = &$setts; while ($item_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_won)) { $background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2'; $reverse_fee->set_fees($item_details['provider_id'], $item_details['category_id']); $item_paid = ($item_details['active'] == 1 && $item_details['payment_status'] == 'confirmed') ? 1 : 0; if ($item_paid) { $content_options = '• ' . MSG_PMB . '
'; if (!$item_details['submitted']) { //$content_options .= '• ' . MSG_LEAVE_COMMENTS . '
'; } } else { if (eregi('b', $reverse_fee->fee['endauction_fee_applies'])) { $content_options = '• ' . MSG_PAY_ENDAUCTION_FEE . ''; } else { $content_options = '• ' . MSG_ENDAUCTION_FEE_NOT_PAID; } } $reverse_won_content .= ' '. ' # ' . $item_details['reverse_id'] . ' - '. ' ' . field_display($item_details['auction_name'], MSG_AUCTION_DELETED) . ' '. $item->new_message_tick($item_details['message_id']) . ''. ' ' . $fees->display_amount($item_details['bid_amount'], $item_details['currency']) . ''. ' '; if ($item_paid) { $reverse_won_content .= ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. '
' . MSG_USERNAME . '' . field_display($item_details['username'], GMSG_NA) . '
' . MSG_FULL_NAME . '' . field_display($item_details['name'], GMSG_NA) . '
'; } $reverse_won_content .= ' '. ' '; if ($item_paid) { $reverse_won_content .= show_date($item_details['purchase_date']) . '
'. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. ' '. '
'; } $reverse_won_content .= ' '. ' ' . $content_options . ''. ''; $reverse_won_content .= ''; } } else { $reverse_won_content = '' . GMSG_NO_ITEMS_MSG . ''; } $template->set('reverse_won_content', $reverse_won_content); $pagination = paginate($start, $limit, $nb_items, 'members_area.php', $additional_vars . $order_link . $show_link); $template->set('pagination', $pagination); $members_area_page_content = $template->process('members_area_reverse_my_projects.tpl.php'); $template->set('members_area_page_content', $members_area_page_content); } } /* END -> WANTED ADS PAGE(S) */ if ($page == 'summary') /* BEGIN -> SUMMARY PAGE */ { if ($section == 'summary_main') { $summary_page_content['content'] = header6(MSG_MM_SUMMARY) . $summary_page_content['manage_account'] . $summary_page_content['messaging_received'] . '
' . $summary_page_content['stats_bidding'] . ''. $summary_page_content['stats_selling'] . ''. $summary_page_content['bidding_current_bids'] . $summary_page_content['selling_open']; $template->set('members_area_page_content', $summary_page_content['content']); } } /* END -> SUMMARY PAGE */ //$template->set('members_area_header', header7(MSG_MEMBERS_AREA_TITLE)); if ($page == 'summary') $template->set('members_area_header', "Área de membros > Sumário"); elseif ($page == 'messaging') $template->set('members_area_header', "Área de membros > Mensagens"); elseif ($page == 'bidding') $template->set('members_area_header', "Área de membros > Licitação"); elseif ($page == 'selling') $template->set('members_area_header', "Área de membros > Vender"); elseif ($page == 'about_me') $template->set('members_area_header', "Área de membros > Sobre mim"); elseif ($page == 'account') $template->set('members_area_header', "Área de membros > A minha conta"); elseif ($page == 'messages') $template->set('members_area_header', "Área de membros > Mensagens"); else $template->set('members_area_header', header7(MSG_MEMBERS_AREA_TITLE)); if ($session->value('category_language') == 1) { $msg_store_cats_modified = '
'; $template->set('msg_store_cats_modified', $msg_store_cats_modified); } ## begin - header members area ## preferred seller and check for credit limit $user_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT preferred_seller, balance, max_credit FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'"); $user_payment_mode = $fees->user_payment_mode($session->value('user_id')); $template->set('pref_seller_reduction', ($user_details['preferred_seller'] && $setts['enable_pref_sellers']) ? 1 : 0); $credit_limit_warning = ($user_payment_mode == 2 && ($user_details['max_credit'] <= ($user_details['balance']+2))) ? 1 : 0; $template->set('credit_limit_warning', $credit_limit_warning); $nb_cells = 1; if ($session->value('membersarea') == 'Active') { $nb_cells+=4; } if ($session->value('is_seller')) { $nb_cells++; if ($setts['enable_bulk_lister']) { $nb_cells++; } if ($setts['enable_stores']) { $nb_cells++; } } if ($setts['enable_wanted_ads']) { $nb_cells++; } if ($setts['enable_reverse_auctions']) { $nb_cells++; } $cell_width = round(100/$nb_cells) . '%'; $template->set('cell_width', $cell_width); if ($page != 'summary') { $template->change_path('themes/' . $setts['default_theme'] . '/templates/'); $members_area_header_menu = $template->process('members_area_header_menu.tpl.php'); $template->change_path('templates/'); $template->set('members_area_header_menu', $members_area_header_menu);## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 end - header members area } $template->change_path('themes/' . $setts['default_theme'] . '/templates/'); $my_sidebar = $template->process('sidebar.tpl.php'); $template->change_path('templates/'); $template->set('my_sidebar', $my_sidebar); $template_output .= $template->process('members_area.tpl.php'); include_once ('global_footer.php'); echo $template_output; } ?>